And The Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich

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Book summary:

Stay away from the woods…

When Silla and Nori arrive at their aunt’s home, it’s immediately clear that the manor is cursed. The endless creaking of the house at night and the eerie stillness of the woods surrounding them would be enough of a sign, but there are secrets too—questions that Silla can’t ignore: Why does it seem that, ever since they arrived, the trees have been creeping closer? Who is the beautiful boy who’s appeared from the woods? And who is the tall man with no eyes who Nori plays with in the basement at night… a man no one else can see?

Book format:

Hard back book

Book genre:

Young Adult

My thoughts:

Wowzuz... This book was recommended to me by a Barnes and Noble employee that was trying to get me to spend money at the store when the store did not have the one book I was looking for. I caved and got it, because why not? It seemed interesting. I did not have high expectations for this book. This book blew my expectations out of the water. I am over the moon happy I read this book.
The author wrote an absolutely beautiful book. You see it from Silla's, Nori's, and Cath's point of views, with an added one hidden in the words *hint hint*. It is heartbreaking, thrilling, and everything else I want in a book. The ending wasn't what I was expecting, and usually I'd be annoyed with that but this ending was so much better than every possible ending I thought of.

So, remember that book I was looking for by the same author that I mentioned above? It's called The Creeper Man. I searched high and low for it for months before finally ordering it from Amazon. As I was reading And the Trees Crept In I kept seeing a lot of references to an entity called The Creeper Man. I googled to see if the two books were related and didn't find anything saying they were related at all. I thought that was weird but I went on reading. About a week after I finished this book The Creeper Man arrived and the first thing I did was crack it open to read it. Guess what. Guess. Was your guess that And the Trees Crept In and The Creeper Man were the exact same book? Well congratulations. I had no idea. I even went through it to see if the author did a re-write like Jay Asher did to Thirteen Reasons Why. They are the same book as far as I can tell.

Would I recommend this book? Yeah. Definitely. To everyone I see. Hey you, go read this book right now. You won't be sorry. It truly is a stunning book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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