Chapter 1 - Missing You

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This is the sequel to Together In Azkaban. If you have not read Together In Azkaban I suggest that you go and read it unless you want to be clueless. 

Chapter 1

Jordyn POV

Seven months. That's how long it's been since I've seen Sirius. That's how long it's been since I've been in my human form. That was the last time I actually thought straight. 

I had forgotten how much it hurt that one time when Sirius left for a few weeks. Seriously, for the first few months out here by myself I was just crying. I thought that my body would run out of water but it just kept poring out, like waterfalls. 

It's only been two months since I actually started looking for the prophecy. I've had no luck what-so-ever. Lately, I've been hiding out in some tent in the middle of the woods. Nobody would come looking for me because nobody really want to find me. 

I really do wish that I could get Sirius out of my head for just a little bit so I could think straight and actually get this done and over with. The faster I got this done the earlier I could actually see Sirius. I just had to get that drilled into my head.

After the seventh month I had gotten the thought drilled into my head. It was some time in either late August or early September. Today was the day that I had a thought that made me sound very stupid. 

The ministry keeps prophecy's in the Department of Mysteries! 

And now I feel pretty damn retarded. That took me seven months to figure out. But now the question is, how can I get there?


The next few days passed with me trying to figure out ways to break into the Ministry of Magic. In the end I figured that I wouldn't be able to actually make up my plan until I saw what was inside of the ministry, and what was guarding it (if there was anything) 

Now most people would think that I would just wing it but if you actually had brains then you would know that if you were to just wing it then you would probably get caught. And I don't want to take any chances. 

I turned into my un lucky phoenix form, magically picked up all of my stuff and flew off to London. 

A/n yeah! Chapter 1 is finished! I would have uploaded this earlier but I've been really busy all weekend. Me and my friend went to go see 5 Year Engagement last night and then she slept over so that is my excuse. But I need a life, right? Hahaha, and thanks to the people who commented on the last chapter on Together In Azkaban. I really appreciate it! But I wish there would have been more. 

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