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Nova pov

My phone played "a minute".I answer it.

Mulatto:I gave the kid to deetranada. Now,can you tell me why you not coming to school.
M:why not?
N:no far questions.

Then I hanged up.I sighed. Now or never.I got out if my car and when in to the ice cream shop.

"Hi,nova."said nia.then she tried to kiss me but I moved out the way.

"Hey nia."then I sat down.

"What's up?"asked nia.

"The sky."

"Nova,stop joking around. What's the matter?"asked nia.then she place her hand on mine.I move my hand away.

"You want a sundae?"

"Yes.but first tell me what's is wrong?"asked nia.

"Chocolate or vanilla?"

"Stop with avoiding the question."said nia.

"Stop answering my question with a another question."

"Nova,just tell me."said nia.

"I don't like you."

"Har har.now tell what's wrong?"asked nia.

"I don't like you no more."

"What?"asked nia.

"I ddddoon't liikke you."

"I know what you said!you did have to talk to me like I am slow."said nia.

"Sorry but the relationship is bored."

"This relationship is bored to you?the last two years to you mean nothing to you."said nia.

"Actually it was only a half a year.the other year and half.you assumed we was dating."

"Still the last a half of a year meant nothing to you."said nia.

"It did mean something to me.but you are boring now.I want someone else who will keep me on my toes."

"So,you want a tall girl?! I can wear heels!"said nia.

"Not like that.and beside I heard lil key has a crush on you.go date him."

"No.I want to date you."said nia.then she grabbed my hand.I snatched my hand.

"No bad.I don't date you."

"Then who you want to date? I will be that girl you want."said nia.

"I want....deetranada.... Someone that not you."

"I will become whoever you want me to be."said nia.You can never be dee.

"Trust me you can't."then nia look disappointed.Then I stood up and walked to my car. Nia followed behind me.

"Please nova.novakay can't die!"said nia.

"What?what is a novakay?"

"That is a ship name that I made for us."said nia.not creepy at all.

"Bye."then I hopped in the car.nia knocked on my window.I rolled down my window.

"Nova,please don't leave."said nia.I sighed.

"Please back up."

"No.nova please."said nia.I pull our the parking spot.

"Owwwwwww!my foot!"said nia.my mouth jaw.


"Fuck you!"yelled nia while sitting on ground holding her foot.I drove away.

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