Chapter 10

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It's early in the morning.

Just a bit more and I can now go out of this place.

I could finally have a new life and comeback to her.

It's been more than a year already.

I hope you would listen to my explanations to you.

I hope you still love me.

Coz my love for you never changes.

"Hey, I won't stay long coz I'll be late. Do you want something when I come back this afternoon?" My best friend who is sitting on the chair beside my bed said.

"I don't want anything. I'll call you when I had something in mind" I replied.

"Ok. But don't force yourself again and listen to what your doctor says or else you can never get out in here" she said and get her bag.

"Taengo....How is she?" I ask

"She's ok and free for now. So get well faster before it's too late." She said and leaves before I could even ask again...

What does that mean?

She already have someone else?

It can't be.

I had to get out of this hospital immediately.


I wake up when I feel that someone is nudging me.

I open my eyes only to see Eunjung's face was just an inch closer to me.

I want to turn away or get up but she's hugging me tightly and her legs were wrapped to mine.

Like how am I supposed to move at this state?

I just stare at her face.

Minnie would kill me if I she found out about this.

I don't know what happen last night.

I don't even understand why I allowed those things to happen.

I don't know why I agreed for her to court me.

I can't like her coz I will hurt my bestfriend.

This is all wrong but why do it feel so right?

I was staring at her while thinking about those things.

"You two might want to get up now and prepare yourselves or else all of us were going to be late"

I heard a familiar voice said.

I use my full force to get up and saw Minnie and Qri inside the room

"Yah why did yo-"

Eunjung also get startled to see the two inside.

"H-hyomin Ri" she just said.

"Minnie" I said and stand up to approach her.

"We will wait in the car. Here's my extra uniform" She said in a cold tone and handed me her uniform before she walk outside.

Qri followed her.

Minnie didn't even look at me.

I guess she's mad.

"You might wanna use the bathroom first." I heard Eunjung said.

I didn't respond to her and walk toward the bathroom. I didn't even look at her.

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