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In the previous episode...

Kara had turn curious as for the reader lump, he could not figure as his stare intensely.

So it continues.

Moonlight rays hit my eyes disturb my sleep, making me winced as I slowly open my heavy eyelids, to be found my left could not open.

What time is it? I don't know... past midnight?

I crawl to the crack from the walls, my legs could not move, I think it is broken because of the beaten he gave earlier with his baseball bat. As I reach my destination, I take a peek to see the moon.

My body feels heavy, for a moment I forget my sore and numbness when I saw they big moon show its face to me, the silenced of the night and the shooting face the moon, rustle of the trees as the wind slowly gust to them. Peaceful.

For once, I could feel my freedom by this small crack. I could reach outside world. I could forget his harsh words, the main he gave on my body and mind.

But I know, I could not defy him. He is my father. Flesh and blood, the blood runs through inside me, I could feel his presence that soon fade as he falls asleep. He is the creator that makes me.

' He...'

' I ....'

' the Mighty above others'

※ ※ ※ ※

Birds are chirping, I could hear it from the basement. The singing of the happy birds to the sunshine that has shone and thanking The Greatness for the other day of being alive.

I do envy your happiness birds, you have wings that could fly you whenever you want. I do not feel any happiness to be brought alive. I feel empty. It is cruel. The God is being unfair to me.

As I sit up slowly from my cold floor as my bed, I lean on the wall, the cold breeze of the morning dew and refreshing morning ache you back as the bruise from the impact still linger. As I lost in thought defying God's existence, a cold heels steps from above floor, give chills on my body.

He's coming

The sound turns louder and louder as the steps walk down to the staircase.

My hair covers my face, hide my fear on my eyes and my lips that biting until it bled.

' Look here, she has awake, Glad to see that,' the cold voice says above me, looking down at me that lean my back. I could feel his smudged smile from his voice.

He kneeled down, cupped my cheeks by force, his red eyes make me his way analyse my face. His other free hand pulled hard my long bangs, revealing dark blue bruise on my left eye and bruise on my right cheek.

' will be healed in two days for that bruise to disappear,' he says and swung my face left to right by force.

' thrash', he say.

I did not pay attention when suddenly he tightens his grip on his hand that cupped my face. I could feel his strong fingers could crush my jaws without any weapon to use.

' look at me when I am talking, didn't I already disciplined you yesterday? Do I need discipline again?', smiling and his red eyes look darker than blood, prey on my small body that will be crushed any moment if I did not obey his order.

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