Part 4

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I wake up on a soft surface, which is the first sign of weirdness.
I look a round the room I'm in, its blue?

"your awake?" a voice says.

"yeah, I'm sure that's pretty obvious." I rasp out and giggle to myself.
"Your powers are destroyed, your human now." The voice says.

"Can I get out of this room?" I ask trying not to cry.

"yes, the door will open on your right." I turn and stand up. The wall opens into a doorway and I slowly walk out. My legs hurt, my head is pounding and my vision is fuzzy.

I walk into a kitchen and see Tony there making toast. Umm okay?

"Oh hi, your kayden right?" He asks me looking up with questioning eyes.
I nod and sit down on a stool by the kitchen island.

"So, I heard you wiped out them guys in the hallways. Its pretty cool to be honest. I know you don't like thor but there is no need to kill our men." He smiles at me.

"It's not just that, he k-" I get cut off by the rest of the guys coming through the door.

"Woah..." they all gasp when they see me. I raise my eyebrow at them all.

"what?" my voice come out horse and sore.
"Your have got some cool tattoo's." Steve says.

I stay silent, they only get a shrug off me.
"We aren't mad at you if that's what you think." Natasha sits down beside me.

I laugh and shake my head.
"I've killed three quarters of the people that defend you and your not mad.... Wow. You lot are more weirder
than I thought."

"Coming from you?" I know that voice... loki?!

I swiftly turn around and see him standing there with the widest grin on his face.

I jump off the stool and walk up to him swiftly smaking him in the face.

"Your left me, asshole!" I exclaimed. The rest were shocked bit laughed anyway.

Loki stormed off and thor entered. My body stiffened when I seen him.
I back away when he made eye contact.

"Your awake..." He trailed of coming closer.

"Thor babe, don't do anything you'll regret, I'd beat your ass." A girl about 5,4 comes round the corner with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up." thor teases, she runs up to him and hugs him.
"Gross." I mutter under my breathe.

Suddenly I get pulled into a different room. I look and see Clint.
"Your the girl that killed our men you bitch!" he yelled. I stood back and out of instinct I raised me hands and iced him.

"My powers?" I looked at him he was frozen still. Mid yell and he looked so funny.

I flamed him back to normal and It wasn't the right thing to do. He got his bow of his back and aimed it at me with a sharp arrow in it.

"no don't please!" I begged him but his fingers pulled back.

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