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"Guys, I may have a problem..." Tom mumbled as he plopped down next to Edd on the grass.

The college campus stretched even farther than the eye could see. It was mostly cement, grass, and trees, but it was beautiful. Especially in the mornings where the sunshine allowed dust particles to be seen floating around.

However many students there were, Edd, Matt, Tom and Tord stayed in their little group... even if Tom and Tord absolutely despised each other.

"No, Thomas, you are the problem," Tord said with a monotone voice, focusing on the homework he was doing.

"You take that back-"

"Stop fighting!" Matt complained, shutting Tom up.

"What happened?" Edd asked Tom with a curious look in his hazel eyes.

"I don't have a place to stay over the summer."

"Huh? What about your parents?" Matt tilted his head.

"They probably disowned him." Tord snorted.

"Fuck you!" Tom snapped, throwing a leaf at the commie only for it to float away from him and settle on the ground. Damnit...

"No, but, really?" The ginger pried.

"My parents left to visit my cousins somewhere, and they said I couldn't stay at the house by myself," Tom sighed. "I have to stay with one of you."

"Not me!" Tord said quickly as he stuffed his papers in his backpack.

"'Not me'- yeah, yeah, norski, I wouldn't ever dream of staying with you!"

"Well, uh.. not me either," Edd said with a regretful look. "I'm visiting my family, and I don't think there's room for you."

Matt nodded in agreement. "I have family coming over. Sorry, but, there's no room for you either."

Tom groaned and covered his face with his hands. "Then what do I do!?" He wailed.

Edd and Matt both turned to Tord.

Tord's grey eyes widened slightly. "Nononononononono- he is not staying with me!" he spoke quickly, accent seeping through his words.

"I-.." Tom removed his hands from his face and looked at him. "I might have to."


"C'mon, Tord! Be a good guy and do the right thing," Edd smiled.

"This isn't-" Tord began.

"Listen, commie," Tom snapped, "I don't want to be with you either, believe me. But I have nowhere else to stay and I don't really wanna be on the streets. I don't have money to rent anything."

"Yeah! Do it! Maybe you two could get along?" Matt grinned.

Edd gasped, looking at Matt. "They could become best friends!"

Both boys squealed while Tom and Tord glared daggers at each other.

"So? What'll it be!?" Edd trembled with excitement.

"...fine." Tord said his answer quietly.


Tom rolled his eye sockets and stood up. "I should pack, then. Edd, gimme the keys to our dorm."

"Why can't you stay at the dorm?" Tord raised an eyebrow.

"Because that's fucking stupid, and I could get raped," Tom spat.


"Just trust me!"

"This place is kinda unsafe.." Matt agreed hesitantly. "Besides; you two need to get along."

Edd fished the keys out of his pocket and handed them to Tom. He got up with a bright smile and clasped his hands together.

"Then that settles it! Tom and Tord are gonna be roommates!" The green clad male stated happily. "Just don't kill each other."

--Time Skip--

Tord flung Tom's suitcase into the trunk of his car, closing it afterwards.

"Hey! I have valuables in there!" Tom squinted at him angrily.

"I know," the Norwegian scoffed and got in the driver's seat.

"Bitch.." Tom growled before getting in the passenger's seat.

After starting the car, Tord started to drive off.

"So, where do you live?" Tom asked a few minutes into the ride.

"A few towns over."

"Oh. I expected you to be in CommieLand-"


"Same shit."

"It's not," Tord sighed in annoyance.

Tom smirked at that. He turned his gaze out the window. "How long do I have to be stuck here in the car with you?"

"Uh, four hours," he answered.

It could've been worse, Tom admitted to himself. "Can you-?"


Tom jumped in his seat at Tord's reaction, looking over at him in shock. "Jesus christ, dude! Chill out!"

"You won't shut up!" Tord snapped.

"I was only gonna ask if your radio works!" Tom snapped back at him.

Tord tightened his grip on the wheel until his knuckles turned white. "Yes, Thomas. Why the hell wouldn't it work?" his voice was unsettlingly calm.

"I-I don't know.." Tom shrugged, his face reddening in embarrassment at his stupid mistake. "I just thought.. yeah, okay." He reached over and turned the radio on, searching for a good station.

He settled on a station that was playing Heavydirtysoul. Tom hummed along to the song, tapping his finger on his knee. Every so often Tord would glance at him from the corner of his eye.

A couple hours into the road trip, Tom was asleep. His head was facing the window, eyes closed and breathing softly. Drool trickled out of his mouth and ran down his chin.

Tord felt his heart speed up but he shook the feeling off. "At least he's peaceful when he sleeps..."

I really hope you guys like this!! I've been planning it for so long and i'm really excited about it. Thanks for reading, bye!

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