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"I'm WHAT'!?" Tom screeched into the microphone.

Matt winced as his ears were pierced but he nodded. "Yep. Definitely. Like, seriously Tom, you were rambling about him."

"I-I wasn't!"

"You were," Matt hummed and bit into a stick of Pocky he got from out of nowhere. "And he might even be in love with you~!"

A blush rose to Tom's cheeks. "N-No way, dude. He hates me."

Matt shrugged in response and smiled.

"But.. how?"

"That's for you to figure out."

Tom slammed the journal closed and got up, walking to Tord's room with his phone in hand. "I don't know..." he murmured. "I guess, well..."

"Hm~?" The ginger raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to say it.



"I l-love.."

"You love?" Matt looked like an excited kid.

"I.. love Tord."

He squealed and kicked his feet in the air. "Yay! You said it!"

"Ugh.. I hate love." Tom tossed the journal back into the drawer and closed it. He trudged back to the living room and laid down on the couch.

"Hah! I'm pretty sure he loves you back, though. I always catch him sneak glances at you during class," Matt said sweetly.

"Shut up!" Tom complained while his blush deepened. "That's not true."

"Mhm, sure. Now, tell me, Tom, what do you love about Tord most?"

"I don't-"

"C'mon, Tom! This is super cute!"

"Fine..." Tom huffed. "Well, th-there's his eyes... they're really pretty. And his hair is such a beautiful color." Stop it! "His voice is so mesmerizing. His body is.. wow. Then there's his laugh...~ Have you ever seen someone so perfect!?"

Tom looked at Matt, realizing the ginger was staring at him with a smile. "OhmygoshIshipit!" he screamed.

"Uuuuugh..." Tom groaned. "Please don't tell him."

"I won't! Promise."

"Thanks," giving him a small smile, Tom looked up at the ceiling. "But I-.. never realized I felt this way."

Matt giggled, until a voice in the background called for him. "Aw.. I have to go. Good luck winning his heart!" He did a cringey peace sign and hung up.

Tom sighed softly and set his phone on the coffee table. He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and fell asleep slowly.

--Time Skip--

"Thomas.. Thomas... THOMAS!"

Tom jolted awake and sat up with his back to the arm rest. "whAT!?"

Tord laughed and shook his head. "Classic, stupid Tom," he grinned.

"You scared me! If i'd done that to you, you'd be scared," Tom crossed his arms.

"No, I wouldn't," Tord crossed his arms too in mockery.

"Hm.. Fine. Then what are you scared of?" Tom stretched his arms.



"As if I would tell you," Tord muttered sourly before pursing his lips and walking into the kitchen.

"Wow, thanks," Tom said sarcastically. His gaze wandered around the room before settling back on Tord, who was beginning to make a sandwhich. Tom felt his heart pick up speed. His stomach felt like there were butterflies. Well, butterflies was an understatement. More like birds. Or bats.

Tord looked at Tom without moving his head. "Is there a reason you're staring at me, or...?"

Tom blinked rapidly as a blush spread out across his face. "Oh, s-sorry, um.. I just zoned out." He looked down at his lap. N-No! I don't love him!

"Mm." Tord hummed disbelievingly.

The Brit dug his nails into his palms. Idiot! "We should go to the bar."

"You literally got drunk last night."

"I know."

"...fine. We'll go at around seven."

--Time Skip--

Tom slipped on his checkered shoes and adjusted the wristbands on his arm. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to make himself look half-decent. Tord walked into the room, wearing a white tank top, a leather jacket that reached to about his stomach, and ripped black jeans.

Meanwhile Tom was wearing what he always did; his blue hoodie and black jeans. He decided to 'spice things up' (at least that's what he calls it) by wearing the bracelets and a choker.

"You ready?" Tord asked.

Tom nodded and opened the door, walking out and going down the stairs to the first floor. He heard Tord's heavy footsteps behind him and bit his lip. Cut it out, Thomas. It's just a schoolgirl crush. It'll go away. This is just a phase.

Both boys walked down the sidewalk to town. The stars shined brightly in the dark blanket called a sky. Lights lit up downtown, shining brightly with different neon colors. People walked up and down the streets, either drunk or just there to be with friends and family.

"Don't get drunk and start a fight, okay?" Tord growled into Tom's ear.

Hot, cigar-scented breath warmed Tom's neck and he shuddered. "Y-Yeah." He choked out.

"Hmph. Good."

More Than Enemies {TomTord}Where stories live. Discover now