Bonus Chapter: Smut

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Tom was splayed out across the couch, eyes half-closed as he gazed in boredom at the cartoon playing on TV. It was currently around ten o'clock at night.

There was one week left until they had to go back to college. A couple days after that night under the stars, Tom and Tord had been dating.

Speaking of Tord, he walked over to Tom and loomed over him, hands on his hips.



"You left your dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. Again."

"Oh.. did I?" Tom broke into a smile.

"Yes, actually," Tord's eyebrows furrowed. "And you know what? I think you need a little punishment."

"I-.. what?" Confused, Tom sat up.

Tord smirked, eyes glinting. "You heard me." He scooped Tom up in his arms and kissed his jawline.

"N-No, let me go.." Tom squirmed around. His face was red and his body felt hot. What's happening? He'd never really had this type of experience before. Well, besides that one time he masturbated in the shower.

"It seems to me that you want it, no? Especially because of the way your legs are rubbing together and you're sweating nervously."

"A-Am not!" Tom squeaked out while forcing his legs to be still even though he felt a tingling sensation in his crotch and as if his stomach had flipped.

"You're stammering, too," Tord pointed out.

With Tom in his arms, he went to his room. Tord kicked closed the door behind him and dropped Tom on the bed.

Fuck. Tom gulped and chewed the inside of his cheek.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you," Tord smiled reassuringly at him. He kept the lights to a dim, hazy glow.

Tom nodded and started to take his hoodie off, gripping it tightly. Tord sat in front of him, criss-crossing his legs.

Tord slipped off his black muscle tee and chuckled. He looked at Tom as the Brit shyly sat there, staring down at his hands.

"Tom. You okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"You know I won't hurt you, right?"

"I know. It's just.." Tom glanced away for a moment. "I don't really like my body."

"What!? Why not?" Tord's eyes widened. "Your body is amazing. Of course, it's not the only thing I love you for, though."

Tom offered a smile. "Thanks."

"Just saying the truth."

"You're too nice."

"I try~" Tord winked.

"O-Oh god, commie.." Tom blushed at that and laughed nervously.

Tord pulled Tom's shirt over his head and tossed it aside carelessly. He smiled and pulled Tom's pants off as well.

Now in only his checkered boxers, Tom trembled anxiously as he was placed on Tord's lap.

More Than Enemies {TomTord}Where stories live. Discover now