Chapter 16

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Mikey's POV- ((some time later))
Today was the day. Today was the day I was going to ask Morgan to marry me. We've been together for about two years now. Lexi is going into the fourth grade, and Morgan got a job as a teacher at the elementary school.
      I took Lexie with me to pick out a ring. Of course the money wasn't overly a huge issue. I had enough money to pay for a decent yet good ring. She picked out this ring.

"Lexi it's beautiful

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"Lexi it's beautiful...." I stared mouth wide open at the ring. She smiled at her accomplishment.

"We should set up the house while she's at work!"

"That's a great idea!"

*a few hours later*

"And done!" I said picked up Lexi looking at our accomplishment.

"I like it!" She smiled nodding her head.

"Ima go to Emily's tonight! Enjoy proposing tell me how it goes!" Lexi said packing a bag. Emily was Lexi's best friend. She lived across the street and was Lexi's first 'real' friend here. The other ones bullied her.
      She finally told Morgan and I this year when she came home crying having ripped clothes and messy hair. They had hurt her pretty bad that she was not allowed to be left alone on school grounds.

"Bye Mikey!" She called leaving the house. 

"Bye Lexi! Love you!"

"Love you too!" She called back.

I sat down and waited for Morgan to get home. It was probably 20 mins when I heard the door jiggle open.

"Lexi! Mikey! I'm home!" She called. Her beautiful voice filling the house. My hands stared getting clammy, and my stomach started doing twists.

"Babe? Alexis? Where are y'all?" She asked.

"Lexi's at Emily's and I'm in the back porch !" I called back.
        She walked towards the porch to only stop when she entered.

"M-Mikey what is all this?" She asked sounding surprised but happy. I smiled and blushed a little. I had made a maze for her to follow which lead to me.

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