Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so so sorry for not updating in so long guys, but I'm really trying not to make this story into a typical Josh and Oli reunion one, but I feel like I'm failing lmao. 


I brushed my wet hair staring at my reflection while big drops of hot water slid down my face as I tried to detect what exactly was that feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. 

It was definitely something positive even though I didn't want it to be. I wanted to be angry, I wanted to feel poison and hate running through my veins, but instead I found myself smiling as I thought about the destination I'll have to be on in 15 minutes. 

The gig at the venue just a few blocks away from the beach was over half an hour ago, and at midnight I was supposed to meet Josh at the beach. 

I wanted to be bitter and moody but if we eliminate the anger I felt towards myself for feeling the opposite of what I should've been feeling then all that would be left is excitement. 

According to Kellin's plan I should let Josh think he has me and then I should brutally drown his hopes, but the problem here was that Josh pretty much did have me. 

Although it's been 7 years it seemed like it was all still fresh... It seemed like the high school me never really faded. It seemed like I still was that dumb high school me who secretly drooled over Josh yet still cursed myself in the background for it.

''Fuck...'' I sighed at my reflection and dropped the brush into the sink.

I contemplated not even going to that beach, but Josh openly told me not to test him and I knew for a fact that I didn't want to do that. 

I thought about what his plans for tonight could possibly be over and over again, but to say my mind was empty would be a total understatement. I had no idea what to expect and knowing how dramatic Josh could be with his sense for the unexpected my nerves were pulsating in anticipation. 

I hated myself for actually wanting to do this - for actually wanting to meet him in the middle of the night without anyone knowing where we were, but I couldn't help it. There was a clear part of me that still craved him. 

Even though it was a hot summer night in Italy I still put on a pair of classic ripped skinny jeans and a basic hot topic short sleeved tee. I was maybe 24 now, but I still wore all the shit I did in high school. My style hasn't changed much and being in a band kinda prolongs your adolescence anyways, I guess.

Lastly I put on my black vans and then finally sneaked out the bus. If the guys end up looking for me - which I highly doubt - they're gonna think I headed out to a bar anyways, but if they were to catch me now they'd bombard me with questions I didn't have an answer for. I was a terrible liar and it's not like I'm gonna tell them I'm meeting Josh on the beach. 

Once I was out I rushed across the huge parking lot then following the street that led to the venue in which we played I headed down towards the beach. 

It didn't take me long to get there and I immediately regretted putting on vans as I realized that the beach was, in fact, loaded with the finest yellow sad I've ever felt beneath my feet. 

If I was barefoot I'd probably enjoy the soft feel of it, but my vans just kept sliding through the yellow mess like I was trying to get myself out of quicksand and it immediately killed my mood. 

I took small awkward steps across the beach until I finally didn't see a shape in the dark. My eyes already adapted to the dark son it wasn't hard to detect Josh lying down in the sad waiting for me - and plus, who else would be stupid enough to do something like this at midnight. 

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