Chapter Twelve

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    I woke up to a nice bed with soft sheets in my room with my new family. But I opened my eyes and didn't see myself in the room. It took me a couple minutes until I figured out what I did.

      And still having no plan. I groaned and rolled over, hoping to get a few more minutes in bed. But the sun was already up and I knew I had to start early before getting somewhere.

        I got up and put some fresh clothes on, happy that I still have some. In a few days, I won't have any. As I brushed out the many knots in my hair from lack of showers, I looked at the note Jenny had left.

                       Follow the Animals


              I still haven't figured out what it meant. All I know about her and animals is she writes about them and loves them. Maybe just write about them. I throw the note in frustration and sigh.

               I'll figure it out someday, hopefully soon. I hear a bang on my door and I jump. I open it and see Miss Abigail standing there.

  "Howdy, Faith. Would you care to join y'all of us for breakfast?" she said, smiling real big. I hesitated for a minute. I need to get out of town as quickly as possible to move farther away from Oregon.

         How would I do that if I stayed for another hour or two eating? But it wouldn't hurt I guess. Miss Abigail would be happy if I stayed. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnee.

  "I guess I'll stay, just for a little while," I said. Miss Abigail smiled and told me to be downstairs in ten minutes. I gathered all my things, which was only some clothes, food and water, and money. Plus my phone. I checked to see if I had any service and saw fifty two texts from my so-called family. I had texts from my "parents" that went like, Where are you?? Are you already at school?? Faith tell us the truth.

         But the texts from Jack were different. You might be mad at my parents, but I'm mad at you. You have caused my parents pain. Why would you do this to them?

                Each of Jack's texts felt like a stab to the heart. Tears prickled my eyes, and I turned off my phone. Quit worrying, I told myself.

       They don't care about me anyway.

     When I was all packed and ready to go, I headed downstairs to the first level.

  "There she is! Y'all, I want to introduce you to the boo'tiful gal, Faith," Miss Abigail said loudly over the chatter of the many people that were eating. The chatter quieted, and everybody looked at me. I blushed and looked down at my feet. I realized there were no kids, but all adults. Mostly men, only two women, who looked around Miss Abigail's age.

  "Howdy, Faith!" everybody chanted. I waved and said hi. Miss Abigail sat me at her table with the two other women and a young man.

  "So, Faith, let me introduce you to this rowdy bunch," she said, winking. All of them laughed.

  "So, hon, these two lovely women are my sisters, Olivia and Evelyn. And this handsome young man, is my son, James," Abigail said, smiling fondly at James. I greeted them and we began to eat.

      We talked for a while, about how I wasn't from here, and they told me about the history of Oregon. Finally, they let me go.

       I said a final goodbye to everyone and walked out. I knew it would kill me, but I checked my phone. There were five messages from my parents. Honey, we can't lose you. We will get in so much trouble. Are you okay? Are you in danger? Faith, we called the police.

        My heart stopped on the last text. Calling the police? I really need to hurry now. I started to jog out of town, my heart racing.

            Where can I go that they won't find me? Oh, I got it! The woods! I turned to the direction of the woods and started toward it. As I neared it, something caught my eye. A red bird. It was circling around a tree, looking down to the ground.

       It started to swoop toward me, and I freaked out.

  "Shoo, bird. Go away!" I screamed, waving my bag in the air. But it still headed toward me, unwavered. It landed on my shoulder and I froze.

        The bird looked deep into my eyes, like it was trying to get something out of me. I could hardly breathe. What was it trying to tell me?

     Suddenly, the bird flew away and when it got up in the air, it looked back at me. Finally, I understood what it was trying to say.

        It wanted me to follow it.

    So I picked up my bag from ground, and raced after it, seeing where it would take me. 

Word Count: 827 

Wander where it is going to take her. Hmmm...

I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I was so busy. The picture above is the red bird that Faith followed. :) 

So I am going to try and update Riverview Academy tonight. But if it doesn't work out, sorry. 

Write you soon!

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