Chapter 2 : It's Love not Luke?

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I wake up to see a bright light in my face and whispers all around me.

"Is that you jesus?" I mutter. Everyone around me starts laughing. Furiously, I sit up getting ready to yell.

"Love?" A man asks causing everyone to stop and look his way.

"That's my name." I smile, looking up. This dude looks awfully familiar.

"My baby girl." He cried wrapping his arms around me. I push him off, who the hell is this guy?

"Who the hell are you? Where am I? Where's my mom?" I panic. I jump out of the bed I was in and run out. I run into the closet room and close the door behind me breathing rapidly.

I start crying. These past few years have been rough. Why can't my life be normal? Why can't
Pleasure still be alive? Why is my mom apparently hiding things from me?

"Love..." a voice whispers. I turn around to see the new guy. Ugh I really need to learn his name!

"What's your name?" I ask suddenly while wiping my eyes. What? I was sick of referring to him as the new guy.

"Cole. Cole Anderson." He smiles making my heart skip a beat. The fuck?

"Why am I here?"

"You'll find out eventually. And it's not my place to tell you. Now you need to come with me." He states grabbing my hand. Electricity flowing through where he had his hand on.

He lead me back to the room I was in before. The same dude that hugged me was standing there with a frown. He looked like Pleasure, but he was dressed very nicely.

"Is this the part where you say Luke I am your father?" I teased knowing he was obviously not my father.

"It's Love not Luke?" It sounded more like a question.

"It was a joke. You're obviously not my father." I laughed making everyone look at each other and then back at me. Hmm weird.

"Love about that... I am your father. My name is Cupid and your mother's name is Olivia." He explained sadly. I shook my head tears falling down my face.

"Cupids not real he's just a myth. You're not my father. If Pleasure was here he wouldn't believe you either." I yelled.

"What do you mean if pleasure was here? Where is he anyways?"

"He's dead. He died in a car accident. If you are my father where were you when he passed away? Where were you when you were supposed to be there to tell me it wasn't my fault when I kept blaming it on myself? Where were you when I needed you?" I cried. My mom told us our father left us when we were little. I was heartbroken cause I needed a father figure in my life. I was always envious of all the girls who got to spend time with their fathers when I had no idea who my father was.

"It's not my fault your mother left with you guys and never came back!" He yelled making me flinch.

"How dare you! My mother would never do that!" I screamed.

"Everyone get out now! I need to talk to my daughter privately."

"Don't you call me your daughter! You may be my father but you will never be considered a dad to me." I got up and left the room before anyone else could. Ugh how do I get out of here?

"Hello! Are you love? I've heard so much about you! You're even more prettier then I imagined." She shrieked. Why is she so excited? There's literally nothing special about me.

"Um thanks and yeah I am. Do you know how to get out of here? I'm kinda lost." I muttered making her chuckle.

"You're already leaving? And sure just take a right down that hallway and go straight down and there it is. It was nice meeting you!" She beamed. She was way more prettier than me anyways. She had dark brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and I did make her sound normal but it's kinda hard to explain. But she was really pretty though.

"Oh thanks again. It was nice meeting you." I thanked her before going the way she told me to. I heard a lot of voices yelling my name but did I care? Kinda yeah. Oh shut up inner me.

I ran out the door. I pulled out my phone and to my surprise it was dead. Just great! Hopefully I'll notice my surroundings and try and find my way back home.

"Love?" A voice that I think belonged to Cole called out. I rolled my eyes and walked faster. He grabbed my hand, turning me around.

"You don't remember me do you?" He mumbled. Now that I think of it he does seem kinda familiar.

"You look familiar." I wondered.

"We used to be best friends when we were babies. From when we were one to when you left." He frowned. And then it hit me.

"Oh Cole! I remember you! I missed you so much!" I shrieked wrapping my arms around him. Butterflies erupt in my stomach when he kisses my forehead. What the hell is going on with me?

"I missed you more." He smirked. What's with guys and smirking?

"It felt like i had nobody when my brother passed away. When we were little you were always there for me. Ugh i wish i could remember what happened but it like faded from my memory." I frown looking down.

"Yeah I'm sorry I wasn't it's just one day you left and I don't know." He shrugs. He looks into my eyes and some emotion pops up but it was gone as quick as it came.

"So you only came to my school to retrieve me?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. He laughs, and my heart does summersaults at that. Oooo.

"Yeah I guess. I think I'll be going there for the rest of the year though."

"Wait, so what school did you go to before?" Did he even go to school? Ugh everything's so confusing!

And once i thought maybe everything was going back to normal, some stupid shit happens. What the hell even is "Cupids Co."

"I went to a school for Cupids in training. I'm kinda a half God half human kinda guy. Like you for example." He smiles. Who are his parents?

"Who are your parents?" I ask. I was never told cause I was too young I'm guessing?

"My mom never told me, Cupid told me it was indeed a God but that's all my mother let him tell me." Well that explains his good looks... I mean aren't Gods supposed to be like extremely good looking?

"My moms a human and Cupids a God. Gods don't really age so it doesn't make sense to me. Shouldn't they have known not to fall in love? And how did my mom find out all of this? How do I know you're not lying?" I asked, I mean cmon nothing makes sense to me right now.

"Hey, I'm about as clueless as you. I mean at least you know who your father is now." He frowned, now I feel like I'm being ungrateful but this all doesn't make sense to me. Why would my mom leave my father? And how do I even know he's the actual Cupid? I need to stop worrying about this cause it'll all get to my head when I don't even have the answers.

"Yeah I'm sorry. Do you think you can drive me home? I kinda have no idea where I am so..."

"Of course, now cmon." He grinned, intertwining our hands. My stomach burst into butterflies before i grin back and follow the Demigod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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