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*mystery crush will be directed in italics to avoid confusion!!

today was the day and jimin being nervous, was an understatement. he was absolutely petrified, and has been dreading this day for the past month. he's just scared of dissapointing him because he was expecting someone better.

he sighs, lightly tapping his foot to the beat of the hallway clock as he waiting for him to arrive to his locker. he hid in a small space by the lockers while looking out to the crowed hallway. that's when he finally spotted him. he walked gracefully to his locker with the cutest smile on his face. jimin just couldn't get enough of it. seeing him smile brightened up his day. before he could even let him open his locker he quickly sent him the texts that've been sitting in his drafts for the past ten minutes.

chim: can you meet me at the rooftop after school?
chim: it's important.

his plan was to confess to the younger at the school rooftop, where they would often eat lunch at if the courtyard was too crowded. jimin was friend's with the school janitor so he had asked him a day beforehand to help set everything up. they tied some fairy lights around a few trees and a couple of flowers to make it nice. then to top everything off he put a giant teddy bear in the middle of the bench. it was cute and simple just how he liked it.

he watched his face scrunch up in confusion before receiving a quick "okay" from the younger. he smiled in satisfaction before walking out of the corner and making his way to the rooftop to finish up some final touch ups.

he watched the day go by in a flash and before he knew it the final bell had already rang. he bolted out the door and ran up the stairs to the rooftop. he thanked the janitor who had kept it closed for him the whole day so no one else would go in. he walked out and everything was just perfect. he knew he would love it.

he nervously made his way up to some nearby bushes and hid behind them, anxiously waiting for his arrival. all he could hear was his heart beating for what felt like hours. he felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. but then, everything suddenly went silent.

he heard the rooftop doors creak open and that was when time stopped. he could see his beautiful face through the bushes and he wasn'tready to face him just yet. he let him admire the scenery and grab the final letter he wrote out of the teddy bears arms to read it.

"my world became brighter when i met you. you complete me and i couldn't ask for more. your laugh is music to my ears and you mean everything to me. i love you so much that it's finally come the time that i tell you to your face."

-min                                                                                                                                                                        」

he took walked out from behind the bushes and quietly walked up behind him. trying his absolute best not to make a sound.

"hi" jimin whispered lightly as he felt his voice quivered. he was so nervous for him to turn around. how would he react? would he be disgusted? he was scared for rejection and deep down he wasn't ready for it but he knew he had to be strong.

he watched him slowly turn around. he looked more surprised then he thought he would be and he doesn't know if it's a good sign or not. he watched tears start to form in his eyes as he softly grabbed his hands and held them tight.

"i've loved you for as long as i can remember, but i had never gotten the courage to tell you. you mean the world to me and so much more. i felt like it was finally time i told you as i just couldn't hold back any longer. it was eating me alive and as selfish as it sounds, i can't stand to picture you with anybody else. it's okay if you don't feel the same i understand, but i just don't want you leave my life." he confessed, as his let his eyes faltered to the ground. he felt the weight  being lifted off his shoulders and felt like finally breathe.

"i love you jimin." he heard the younger choke out. his eyes widen in shock before hastily looking up to lock eyes with him. he couldn't believe the words that just came out of his mouth. it felt like a crazy dream that he would wake up from any minute. he let go of one of his hands and softly wiped the tears away for his eyes.

"you do?" he smiled, feeling tears slowly starting to roll down his cheeks. he was so overwhelmed with happiness that he didn't even know how to react. it all felt like a dream come true. that was when he then realized something that caused him to pout in disappointment.

"hey! i was supposed to say the special three words first. you just stole my one moment of spotlight." he frowned, lightly smacking his arm. he watched the younger crack a smile softly mumbling an "i'm sorry."

"you better be." he teased, slowly reaching up and caressing his cheek, grazing his thumb over his bottom lip before looking him in the eye.

"is it okay if i kiss you?" he whispered, as his eyes grazed down to his lips. he looked up at him, watching his head quickly nod in approval. he leaned forward and swiftly pressed his lips against his. his lips were so soft they felt like little clouds were pressing up against his lips. he felt his stomach spinning and everything felt right. like a missing puzzle piece was final connected after so long of looking for it.

they both pulled away and he took the opportunity of nuzzling his nose into the crook of his neck. he felt the younger's arms wrap up against waist, pulling him closer to his chest. he felt so warm and protected in his arms. all he wanted to do was stay in this position forever. they both stood in silence, letting the peaceful sound of the wind take over.

but, he knew now was the right time to tell the words that he's been dying to tell him for the past few years.

"i love you too..."


sjnsns sorry for the cliffhanger!! i just wanted to keep his identity a secret till the bonus chapter where you'll get to see his side of the story and finally find out who he really is! also just a little side note. sorry for taking so long to update! i've had a lot of homework lately that i haven't really had time to do anything :'(

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