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øk sø røse is leaving and im sad sø im dedicating this chap tø her bc i løve sm.

even thø ive ønly been øn wp for like 2 weeks ør smth idk what it would've been like øn here withøut yøu. tysm før being sø gr8 and funny and entertaining.
yøu're the best little sister i cøuld've ever asked før and i can't believe yøu're leaving 😭
bUt seriøusly im gønna miss yøu sø fucking much yøu cøuldn't imagine.
i høpe when u see jøsh dun u think of me bc jøsh dun is the best persøn in the world and i wøuld be hønøred lmfaø.
alsø u were the first person øn wp that i realized listened tø tøp bc møst ppl listen tø blackbear and stuff like that sø when i realized u listen tø them i was like, "HØLY SHIT RØSE LISTENS TØ TØP WHICH IS A VVVVV GØØD BAND SØ I LOVE HER EVEN MØRE NØW IF THATS EVEN PØSSIBLE"
yea i was really happy.
anyway for the billiønth time (and nøt the last) I LØVE YØU SØ MUCH AND IM GØNNA MISS YOU EVEN MORE!!!!! ❤️

alsø, at least i gave yøu the cheesecake i øwed yøu

alsø alsø, i just went back and changed all the "o"s to "ø" sø i prøbably missed søme but ø well


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