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Obsidian scraped the dry earth with her sharp claws, planting marks in the dirt. She trudged along a muddy path ahead of her as she searched for any fruit or vegetable. Obsidian sighed. She wiped the sweat running down her forehead wearily. She had been walking for three miles just looking for something to eat, and she was starving.

The sun blazed across the dry grass and trees, witch was swaying in the small breeze that had started a couple minutes ago, cooling of her sweaty scales. As she walked along the path, she noticed some piles of bones lying by the path. She examined them piece by piece, picking a bone up and after a thouroh look, dropped it and started the next pile. She found some smears of ash on the sides of some of the parts. She gathered a few of the bones and put them in her pouch for later.

After finding some berries and pomegranates in a field, she headed for a cave in the mountains she called home. Obsidian ducked under the low entrance and set her bag on a cherry wood table and let herself drop on her small bed, exhausted. When will this life end? She thought wearily. Then she remembered her pile of bones.

She reached for her bag made of animal remains and took out a bone before throwing the bag, breaking two pots and a yellow flower made of clay. She looked closely at the rotting bone carefully. She saw parts where fire had burned it, black marks gnawed into the hard bone. She tosses the bone away. Dead animal bones are no use to me. She thought sourly. Obsidian had no idea where she came from or what she was. All she knew is that she was the only thing living on the planet.

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