Chapter Four

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*peeks around the corner* Uh...hi. Yes, I'm still here. Are any of you? *squints out into black abyss* Well, if there are, I do sincerely apologize for the wait. I've been a terrible writer. I just hope this can help, even if just a fraction.


After they all agree to accompany me—aside from Owen; he said he had to get to a coaches' meeting—back to my apartment, I tell them I should call Jade beforehand, much to their disgruntlement. They tell me to just show up, that it's technically still my apartment and shouldn't need to call before arriving. I see their point, but I don't want to... interrupt anything. I do not need a repeat of The Incident. Definitely not the highlight reel of last night that I'd want to see.

I return to the bedroom I stayed in the previous night and gather what few belongings I have with me—my purse, phone, and clothes. Despite them saying it would now be my room, I don't feel right leaving my things there as if the space belongs to me. It does not—I'm simply a guest, and I need to treat it respectfully. I sigh internally, and give the bed a look of longing. I'll have to ask the guys about that mattress. When I move into a new place, I'll be getting myself one of those. Penny pinching may be in my future.

Taking my phone into my right hand, I click the home button to wake the screen. Nothing. Shit. I forgot I needed to charge it last night. A small sound of frustration escapes me as I mentally kick myself for forgetting. Looks I'll be taking the risk of showing up unannounced anyway. It's like a game of Russian Roulette: Roommate Sex.

A soft knock on the door has me raising my head. Nathan stands at the room's entrance, leaning against the frame, a soft smile gracing his lips.

"Everything okay?" he asks, voice laced with concern.

I glance down to my phone and back to him then sigh. Holding the device up, I explain, "I was going to charge this last night but forgot to ask if any of you had a charger to spare." I don't mention that Luke had offered earlier the previous night, not wanting to risk the chance of any kind of feud. Causing a rift between friends is not on my to do list for the day. Or ever, really.

"You can use mine," he says as he straightens and shoves his hands in his pockets.

I give him a grateful smile. "That'd be awesome. Thanks, Nathan." There's a moment where he just stands there, unmoving, but turns and leaves just as I open my mouth to ask what was wrong.

He's not gone long and comes back with the familiar white cord and cube in hand. He silently takes my phone from me, his calloused fingers barely brushing mine, and plugs one end of the cord into it, the other end already attached to the cube which he plugs into the wall next to the nightstand.

Setting it on the table he says, "Well, at least you now have a reason to come back." The grin on his face is flirty, making my face heat, but not preventing a smile of my own to appear.

"I could just take it, you know," I counter. It's not like it's glued down or anything. Or in a lock box.

"I wouldn't let you." He steps in front of the table—facing me, arms crossed—as if he were about to fight me if I tried to even attempt to claim my phone.



I chuckle and shake my head, enjoying the bit of banter between us as I move to exit the room.

When I'm halfway down the hall and don't hear movement behind me, I call back, "Move it or lose it, Ginger!"

"I resent that!" I hear in response followed by heavy footsteps, making me I cackle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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