chapter 2

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Well it was finally summer and my whole world changed right in front of me so fast I didn't even have a chance to stop it so here's is what happened. I was practicing because I had a competition coming up and I was so excited because if I won I would be named the youngest horse jumper to win a state championship so I pushed my self so hard that I did nothing else. But jumped over and over again. Well it was the day of the competition and well I had a feeling in my gut and it wasn't a good feeling. I thought it was just nerves so I didn't think anything about it. Well I was called to the arena and it started sprinkling and I looked at the judges to see when to start well I started and before u jump you have to get them into a trot and well so I did and it started raining even harder and the ground was getting muddy and soft and well I was going for the first jump and well stormy slipped and fell and I went flying off and hit my head on the jumping post. Stormy broke his leg and I had a broken leg,concussion and I didn't get up and everybody was in shock they were on their feet waiting in silence to see if I was going to get up. I didn't my mom was talking to her friend when it happened her friend said hey isn't that Amber's horse my mom turned around and saw stormy on the ground she ran over to the arena and saw me laying there. Her worst nightmare was coming true. My mom rushed to me in the arena and I was saying check on stormy and my mom was like "NO" they called 911 the ambulance came and got me and my mom rode with me and she was crying. saying it was her fault and it wasn't. It was the judges because they told me to start and then the next thing I remember waking up in the hospital in a leg cast half of my hair shaved off and every body looking at me crying and I asked my mom what was wrong and she said that she was glad I was awake I asked how long I was asleep she said 2 weeks she said they doctors didn't know if I was going to make it. Stupid me asked how stormy was and my mom said he was fine he was recovering from his surgery. My mom asked how I was and I said I didn't know I was in so much pain I couldn't think straight and finally after six mouths of being in the hospital I finally got to go home and start getting back unto my old ways if I was able to remember because I couldn't remember anything that happened before my accident.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2014 ⏰

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