Chapter Five

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Penny's POV:

"What's your uncle like?" I asked Talon quietly, immediately feeling him tense up beside me. He quickly broke away from the hug to pull at the bottom of his gloves.

His eyes narrowed, as he looked up at the sky, as if hoping something would rain down and interrupt him. "He's, uh, the best villain?" he finally decided to answer. Though it was an answer, it really did feel like he was asking instead. He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous and definitely unnatural smile on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Talon, please. You can tell me," I assured him, leaning over to rest my head on his shoulder. He again stiffened, and I simply just hoped he wouldn't jerk back. "Please tell me. I'm worried about you," I said, trying to assure him.

He sighed, resting his head on top of mine. "It's nothing, Penny," he said quietly, his bottom lip quivering slightly.

I hesitated before asking the question I desperately wanted answered, "Then why do you have so many scars?"

Talon tensed up again, his head moving off mine. Dang it. "What scars? I d-don't know what you're talking about," he stuttered, chewing on his bottom lip, and avoiding any eye-contact with me.

"Okay. Then you wouldn't mind taking your gloves off?" I asked him

He chuckled nervously, moving his hands behind his back as if he were leaning on them. "I do mind," he said, glaring straight at me.

My own eyes widened as he glared, and I rolled my head a little before speaking, "Please Talon? Just tell me how you got your scars," I asked again.

I've lost tract of the times I've asked that question, which is making wonder if he's not answering because it's personal, or because he's getting annoyed with me.

He shook his head. "I told you, Penny. I don't want to talk about right now, or frankly, ever. O-"

"It's not okay," I cut him off sharply, my eyebrows furrowed and it was my turn to glare at him. "Talon, come on! I care about your well-being, and I won't stop asking until you tell me."

He sighed, covering his face with his hands. He took severaldeep breathes, and I swear I could hear his heart racing. When he lifted his head again, he held the bottom of one of his gloves. "Okay.. Fine, Penny. You win," he mumbled quietly, causing a small smile to grow on my face at the victory. "I.. I got my scars from-"

"Go go Gadget door opener!" the voice of my uncle yelled, followed by a groan from my mutt, Brain.

"You have got to be kidding," I cursed as Talon dropped his hand off his glove. He jumped up from his spot on the balcony, and peered over the edge.

"No, Talon. Stay," I growled at him.

He simply smirked at me. "If you wanted me to stay that badly, you could have just asked me, Pretty Pen," he teased, before leaning over to whisper something. "I guess your uncle saved me," he said quietly.

I frowned as he walked back inside, and not even a minute later Brain was barking at his heels. I giggled at this. "Brain, stop it," I told my dog, rolling my eyes as Talon scampered down the hall to guest room.

"Who was that, Penny?" my uncle asked, plopping himself down on the couch.

"Oh, just a-"

"A ghost? I knew it! Do you think it needs my help?" my uncle asked, cutting me off and causing me to slap my forehead with my palm.

"No uncle, I think the 'ghost' is fine. Just don't enter that room, or you'll anger it," I warned him, playing along with his conclusion.

*Quick note: Don't mind me, I just kept thinking of ghost so they found their way into this chapter

My uncle nodded, turning on his roller shoes somehow and rolled into the kitchen. Brain crossed his arms at me before running off to make sure my uncle didn't burn down the house.

Which leaves me with one thought:

Why, out of any other time, did he choose now to arrive?! They are seriously over an hour early.

Talon's POV:

The moment Penny got her dog to stop barking at me, I quickly took the opportunity to run off to the guest room.

Honestly, I feel like I should thank the mutt though.. And Gadget too, I guess. They both saved me from having to answer Penny's question, but I have a strong feeling she knows the answer to her question. She just wants me to confirm it.

I quickly crashed down onto the bed, sighing in relief. Maybe Penny will drop the question. I mean, she does know my crazy uncle has gone freaking mad, and the scars covering my hands are nothing compared to the rest.

Every single single mission I 'fail', I get punished for it, even though it's his own fault that he thinks of the worst possible missions for me to do. I am actually beginning to think he asks- No, forces, me to do these missions so he doesn't have to fail them himself.

I mean, has he thought about these bloody wounds or bruises that will forever scar me? Of course not. I mean, just because he doesn't like my laugh he sent me into a shark tank.

I hate him, but do I go around tossing him into that tank whenever I please? No, because I actually have a conscious, and I listen to it. I won't even bother to bore you by listing off the rest of the things he's done.

"Talon?" Penny called from the other side of the door.

I quickly sat up on the bed, making sure that my gloves covered the scars on my hands. "Yeah, come in, Pen," I called back, and within a couple seconds the door opened and closed behind her.

"You didn't think I would let you off, did you?" she asked teasingly, sitting down in the bed beside me.

I managed a faint smile, "I can hope."

Penny smirked at me. Wow, role reversal, usual its me smirking at her. I sighed, I wish it were that way, instead of her prying at my personal life.

"Talon, don't make me ask again please," she pleaded.

I sighed. "If I tell you.. Would you really care?"


BAM! It took a while, and I'm sorry for that. After the other chapter, I couldn't think of what Talon and Penny were going to say so I worked on the other story and..

Okay, you don't need to hear all my excuses..
Thank you for waiting (maybe it's not been too long but it seems so to me).

See ya next chapter!

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