Flash back Sarahs past

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A/N: Requested by Brenton2000

Sarah's P.O.V

After Gray went to sleep I went to Robin and changed his bandage again. I sighed and I thought about what had happened earlier. I moved some of his dirty blonde hair out of his face and kissed his forehead.

"I never thought I'd thought I would see Robin look weak again." I said to myself

Sarah is 12 in the flashback 17 in the story

I had just moved to a town that allowed someone like me a beast user and a power user. I had moved into a nice neighbourhood and I had heat that house to the left of mine had a girl one year older then me. So after I had helped my mom and dad get all the boxes into the house and got all of my thins into my new room I went to the house on the left and knocked on the door and the girl came and answered the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked

"Hi I'm Sarah Sarah Hellcat and I just moved to this town." I said extended my hand out

"Well nice to meet you Sarah so your a beast user as well. My name is Hannah Hannah Nine Tails." Hannah said shaking my hand

"Hannah who's at the door?" A woman asked coming to the door

"Mom this is Sarah Hellcat she's a beast user like myself and she just moved her. Hannah said

"Oh how wonderful Hannah why don't you take her to meet the other beast users." Hannah's mom said

"Sarah want to go and see if your mom and dad want to come over for dinner? Is that okay mom?" Hannah asked

"Yeah that's fine." Her mom said

"Come on Hannah." I said grabbing her hand and heading to my house

"Mom mom I made a friend." I said

"Hi I'm Hannah Nine tails." Hannah said shaking my moms hand

"Nice to meet you Hannah I'm Christen and must I say I love your purple hair." My mom said

"Thank you miss oh I forgot to mention another beast user will be joining us for dinner." Hannah said with a little blush

{Timeskip after dinner}

After dinner I was hanging with Hannah and another beast user named Gray he had white hair and blue eyes he wore a plan blue hoodie jeans and white converse, his beast was Cerberus Hades dogs form hell wonderful.

"Sarah you have to come meet the doctor." Hannah said

"Who's the doctor?" I asked

"The doctor he looks after beast users and helps us train and shows us our powers as well." Gray said

"Yeah okay how about tomorrow." I said

"Sure meet here tomorrow sounds good." Hannah said

"Okay guys we'll see you tomorrow I got to get home." I said waving bye

{The next day}

I met up with Hannah and Gray and we went to the hospital to meet the doctor. We went up to the nurse station and she told us where to find the doctor in his office.

"Hey doctor." Gray said

"Gray Hannah and how are you two doing." He said

"Pretty good oh and this is Sarah she's new." Gray said

"Nice to meet you Sarah." The doctor said extended his hand

"Nice to meet you too I'm Sarah Hellcat." I said shaking his hand

"Ah a beast user." He said

He got called down to room 101 a new patient has arrived he told us to come with him. As we entered room 101 I gasped at the sight of a boy a few years older then me on the bed with missing arms about to go into the surgery to get his arms patched up.

"I'm sorry that I have to cut it short but I have work to do. Gray please take Sarah and Hannah to the gymnasium I will be there as soon as I can be." He said

Two hours later the doctor came to the gymnasium and started helping me train.

Hey Hey Hey I hoped you have enjoyed this chapter of The World is Lost. So this was a long chapter and I had fun writing it so next will be Hannah's past. Now I will finish Grays past as well but I don't think I will do Robin's past. Now Come On and Join the phoenix Force.


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