Ode to Expression

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Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open
Prepare the canvas, one color will not do
Nothing looks good until shading,
Until the base is right

Next the narrowing of places
Pick the needed area first
Shade the face
Outline the shape, the window to the soul is priority
Eyes take center stage
Stroke with love
With love like a soft breeze over the eye

The black night line above the eye
It flows past the eye
Like a blade extending
Youthful, dangerous
Ready to kill with a glance
For battle
Fighting the idea of necessity for beauty

Luscious lips, red like cherries
Hold the color true forever
Forever the love of life
Words flow from these lips to give life
Encouragement, enduring hope
Paint with a wide brush to deepen a picture of summer
Rose petals shining bright in the noonday sun

Give a view to future dreams
Without the dream life is dull
Plain, colorless
Without full expression
Limited word
Lifeless pictures with no
Outward canvas to show the light within

Be warned, be warned
If used incorrectly will work the opposite effect
It becomes a mask to hide
Perceived imperfections
Doubts looking for attention
If used to simply conceal, or correct perceived flaws
Clown makeup will do

Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open

Ode to Expression Where stories live. Discover now