16 | forgotten

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"I'VE decided to change my major." Jungkook said, smiling at Jimin as they entered the diner. They had decided the day before to go out for lunch, then Jimin would walk Jungkook to his afternoon classes.

"R-Really?" Jimin excitedly asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Mhm. Changed it to astronomy."

"Th-That's great! Con-Congrats!"

"Thanks, man." Jungkook chuckled, which turned into a bright smile when Hani made her way over.

Jimin forgot she worked here.

"Hi boys." Hani greeted, beaming. She placed a quick peck to Jungkook's lips before waving slightly at Jimin. Jimin gave a small wave back and frowned a bit at the new feeling in his chest when he witnessed the affection between the two.

"Follow me."

Hani lead them back to their usual table, which was a family sized booth in the back corner next to the window. Jimin sat down, frowning at his hand. It was acting up again. Jungkook sat down, and Jimin didn't miss the way that his hand trailed over Hani's waist as he went around her. She giggled softly.

"The usual?" She asked them both.

Jimin nodded. He watched as Hani wrote down their usual orders before announcing she'd be back shortly with their drinks.

When she left Jungkook turned to him, confusion written on his face, "Where's Tae, I thought you were going to invite him?"

"O-Oh, sorry, I must of for-forgot." Jimin smiled sheepishly. He was lying, but again he found himself wanting to be alone with Jungkook. However, he was now seriously considering texting Taehyung to come since Hani was here. He didn't know if he could handle watching them flirt.

"Should I invite him?"

Jimin hesitated, "I-If you want-"

Jungkook glanced at his phone to check the time, "No, I think he has classes at this time."

'He doesn't' Jimin thinks to himself.


It was that moment when the bell on the door rang, indicating that a customer was coming in. He didn't think anything of it until Hani said cheerfully, "Hey, Taehyung."

"Hi Hani." The familiar deep voice greeted, "Can I have my usual?"

"Course! I'll make it in a bit."


Jungkook frowned, "I thought he had classes."

Jimin shrugged and sinked down in his chair a little. He felt a bit guilty for lying to Jungkook. He silently prayed that Taehyung wouldn't notice them, which made him hate himself because that was his best friend he was talking about. He really didn't know what was getting into him.

"Tae!" Jungkook suddenly called out, and Jimin wanted to smack him for it.

"Oh!" Taehyung muttered, no doubt smiling and Jimin could hear his footsteps as he came over.

"Hey Jungkook, Jiminie." Taehyung smiled.

Jimin forced a smile on his face, "Hey Taehyung."

He missed the way Taehyung's smile dimmed a little, the younger noticing the fake smile on the elder's face.

"Wanna sit?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh no- I wouldn't want to interrupt—"

"You're not interrupting."

"Well in that case, sure." Taehyung chuckled. Jimin looked up after a moment of silence to see Jungkook staring at him. He blinked before realizing they were waiting for him to move over. He scooted over a bit and watched as Taehyung sat down next to him. He expected Taehyung to put his arm around him like usual, except it didn't happen this time.

"Here you go boys." Hani spoke, setting down their drinks. She then placed a hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and whipped cream, two chocolate chip cookies, and a cinnamon bun in front of Tae. He watched as Taehyung looked down at the cinnamon bun in confusion.

"Happy birthday!" Hani beamed, patting Tae on the head, "It's on the house for you, the cinnamon bun is a present from me."



No wonder Taehyung wasn't clinging to him! He was surely mad that Jimin had forgotten his birthday! He didn't even realize! Jimin wanted to jump in front of a bus because he was surely better at that than being a best friend.

Taehyung sent Hani a wide smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Thanks!"

"I didn't know it was your birthday, hyung!" Jungkook commented, "Happy birthday!"

"Thanks Kook," Taehyung smiled.

"That's why you weren't answering my texts earlier, huh Jimin!" Jungkook exclaimed, "Cause you were celebrating with Tae!"

Jimin gulped. He noticed the way Taehyung stared at him expectantly. He bit his lip and nodded, "Yeah, s-sorry."

"What did you guys do to celebrate?"

"We— Uh— I-"

Taehyung piped up, "Jiminie took me to a really nice restaurant for breakfast. Then we went back to my dorm and watched Finding Dory. It was fun."

"That sounds like fun." Jungkook sighed dreamily.

"It was." Taehyung smiled, throwing an arm around Jimin's shoulder, "I would've thought that he'd forget, but I shouldn't have doubted him—"

Jimin wanted to break down when Taehyung looked him in the eyes and said, "He'd never forget my birthday."

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