Toredd Tomsworld

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Idk it's like tomatt but different idk i thought I'd try it out

"Tord!" Edd runs in the room to find a bleeding Tord a gash in his leg and abdomen he looks at edd weakly "E-edd.." he coughs harshly spitting up blood (your all probably wondering what the duck is going on I'll start a little further back to yesterday )

Tord sighs heavily edd seeing his boyfriend sigh looks at him w"hat's up with you?" " I miss it..." it was barely audiable but he heard him "miss what?" Tord looks at edd "The cuddles and the affection" "you know I'm not the type of person to cuddle" " you did cuddle though!" "That was in the begining before i realized it wasn't like my ex " edd runs a had down his face "sorry i just don't do that kinda stuff" tord sighs getting up "it's fine..." he leaves to his room before coming back saying he's going for a walk and then he leaves edd sighs "what am i gonna do?" Tom shrugs "I don't know but if i were you I'd be careful or you might lose him." Edd glares at Tom "was i asking you!" "No you were asking your imaginary friend " Tom sticks his toungue out at tom before sighing just be careful cause you never know when you could lose him" edd nods not wanting to talk about this anymore (meanwhile with Tord) Tord was talking to a lady by the name mina (my sorta oc :p) she had long white hair which was in a ponytail a blue tanktop and shorts and black combat boots and a black leather jacket to top the look off she held a sly grin and some candy in her mouth she laughs at Tords joke grinning 'This should be easy' she thought  [timeskip cause i lazy]
Tord came home around six a clock smiling brightly he had been asked to go see the movies with mina he of course agreed so excited he rushes to edds door knocking eagerly "Hey Edd I've got something exciting to tell you! Edd opens the door clearly annoyed "what?" "I'm gonna go to the movies with my new friend!" "And who is this friend of yours?" He grins turning on his phone and showing a picture to him. Edd looks at it glaring "so you have a new girlfriend huh?!" Tord' s eyes widen girlfriend?! No no no she's just a friend" Edd growls "Whatever you cheating pathetic waste of space!!" Edd slams the door closed and Tord stared in pure shock before bursting into tears running to his room [another timeskip] Today was the day Tord goes to the movies he gets ready completely crushed Edd hated him and he felt like crying but he couldn't a knock is heard on his door. it's tom "hey matt it's mina she's at the door" "tell her I'll be there in minute" "okay i will" Tord leave waving to tom and join mina in her car but before he knew it he was knocked out cold being taken away from everyone
Tord wakes up and stares out at the blank wall "where am I?" "I'm glad you asked." a feminine voice said "who who are you" " aww forgot about me already" mina steps out of the dark with two other people "now does it ring a bell" "Y-You kidnapped me?!" "Took into hostage more like now if you can tell me where's the purple leaders hideout I'll let you free" "the what?" "Matt's hiden base telll me now!" "Oh um idk" "really like not even a clue?" "Nope" mina grins "well then since you are of no use you shall be killed your a pathetic use of space anyways Tord looks at the ground remembering what edd said just like the lady  "I am..." he sighs crying slightly "well then Kia! Sia! You both are in charge of his death better make it painful" mina leaves and kia and sia pull out torture items grinning like a mad man "lets see how about some needles?" Tords eyes widen "no please no!" "You hear that he wants it" They grab the needle and stab one into Tord's arm the blood gushing out in concerning amounts He screams in pain Kia grins watching him scream "Next let's burn him" "NO! PLEASE STOP!" "never not till your dead" Tord is then burned severely on his arms and back He shrieks in pain passing out they grin and stab him in the stomache "he shouldn't live through this"  meanwhile this was happening Tom Edd and Matt got a message from the blue army mainly to Matt "purple leader we have your friend with the fork hair if you wish for him back unharmed give up your army" Edds eyes widen "Tord!" Tord looks at the screen weakly blood on his hoodie and needles stabbed into his skin "I-I'm S-S-Sorry" Edd growls slamming his hand on the table the transmission ends and Matt is internally panicking "We have to save him!" Edds angered voice breaks the scared silence Tom nods "but how?" Matt sighs "I was afraid this would happen but I know what to do grab a weapon and follow me" Edd grabs his harpoon gun Tom grabs the chainsaw from the time there was a zombie apocalypse and Matt grabs 5 guns then they go in Matt's room entering a vehicle in a secret tunnel (timeskip till there) Edd breaks down the door that was near Tord's torture chamber. He shoot the harpoon going right through a soldier's heart ripping it out and pinning their heart to the wall Matt  shoots four guards all in the head. And Tom cuts two people in half with his chainsaw there was blood everywhere Matt shoots the door open and Edd runs in "Tord!" (Seem familiar yup its the beginning we're caught up) Tord looks up at Edd "I'm sorry E-Edd I shouldn't have trusted her..." he coughs harshly once more "I just wanted you to know that I still love you and forever will love you so don't ever think I was interested in her and not you I should've just been happy with what i had." he begins to cry "I'm sorry..." he closes his eyes Edd watches before bursting in tears he holds the shorter male closer to him "i should've protected you...." Matt runs in and leans down to tord checking his pulse before speaking "we can still save him we just need to stop the bleeding so he doesn't bleed to death he cleans up Tord's wounds while Edd holds him a little while after Tord opens his eyes to see his three worried friends Edd is the first to hug him then Tom Matt refuses to hug him but says "good job on not dying" Edd punches Matt glaring at him he hugs Tord "I'm so glad your okay" Tord nods "me too u didn't wanna die yet but uh where are we?" " in the hospital" Matt says boredly. "Oh... can I talk to edd alone?" "Yeah we'll go cone one Matt." Tom drags matt out of the hospital room with him. "Edd I'm sorry about what I did and what I said i know our relationship was supposed to be a secret and i apologize for saying that in front of everylne so If you want leave me forever then--- Tord was cut off by edd placing his lips on Tord's Tord turns red but kisses back none the less as Edd pulls away Tord blushes red Edd amiles at Tord "Tord i love you almost losing you made me realize I'm gona have to make it public that we're dating and I don't mind as long as i get to hold my little Tordy" Tord grins "Really?" Edd kisses him again "Yes really"

Aww I really liked this one ;<;
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~neko edd

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