Chapter 6: Dead Ends

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A/N: Wattpad was making the Chapter named Dead End a dead end. It wasn't showing anything but hopefully it is now. Love you all lots! Please vote and comment. :D


December 20th, 2097

It has been sixty eight days since I pledged myself to Professor Sheridan's clause and I have been going to the lab almost everyday after classes to meet with the team. Sundays are reserved for outings with Chryseis and Seraphine and that was all the free time I allowed myself.

Fia has been lonely and mad at me ever since I joined the project. She would not see me off anymore every morning but she still comes sprinting to the window when my car pulls up on the tarmac driveway. Perhaps there were a few broken furniture courtesy of Fia's tantrums but at least she did not wreck the house.

Progress with the project has been slow. It is a pity that I cannot note down any information about it in my journal lest somebody accidentally reads it.

Today would just be another unfruitful day at the lab unless one of us four geniuses come up with a solution to our constant dilemmas and dead-ends.

Thalia Tirialon


The sun shone brightly into my room as the window blinds rolled up at 0700 hours sharp.

My alarm clock greeted me just like every other typical morning. "Good morning, Thalia. It is now seven in the morning." The computerized voice said.

I groaned at the thought of another day of squeezing my brains out to no results. Hopefully, it would work today. Not a minute later, Fia trotted into my room and barked at me as I stretched my arms and sat up from the bed.

"Good morning, Fia my darling." Fia jumped into my bed and curled up beside me. The sunlight made the bed warmer and she probably was seeking my comfort before I leave the house for the whole day again. I sighed and rubbed her head in affection. Fia purred at my touch and nuzzled her nose on my lap.

Leaving Fia on the bed, I got out and started to make the bed and rearrange the sheets. Fia was reluctant to move out of the way. I threw the sheets over her and she yelped, suddenly hopping off the bed and onto the wooden floor.

The little black fox tilted her head at me and barked again, probably hungry. I laughed and picked her up into my arms and went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Fia was probably bored of the fox food periodically provided by the pet-feeder. I set her down on the bar stool at the kitchen counter.

The refrigerator had all sorts of hydro-nutri for me and fruits for Fia. I rarely feed Fia with fruits but since I was leaving her so often, I thought that I had to make it up to her. Grabbing a tube of hydro-nutri for myself and a bunch of grapes for Fia, I shut the refrigerator door and set the grapes on a bowl for Fia and sat down opposite her with my hydro-nutri.

Cooking was not something I was familiar with since I had no one to teach me and I would rather being doing other more productive activities instead of creating a dish that would disappear in less than half an hour.

A hydro-nutri saves time and it contains all the suitable nutrients for different meals. The one I took was a breakfast tube and it was honey flavoured, packed with protein, fibre and carbohydrates for a progressive morning. I opened my breakfast tube and sucked on it while Fia helped herself to the grapes.

After finishing breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen counter, put on a white tunic and khaki slacks and I was ready to head out of my house.

"Sorry, Fia foxy. I'll be back tonight." Fia whimpered and curled up in front of me trying to look adorable. I chuckled at her as I squatted down to rub her belly. "I'm going to class now. Bye."

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