Chapter 2

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*Baby girl wake up.* A voice in my head said.

*No go away.* I said to the person speaking to me.

*You have to listen and wake the fuck up! Now baby girl!* the voice growled and I start waking up.

"What the bloody hell?" I muttered as I look at the flames in my room. *Its going to be okay Em, you just have to listen to me.* the voice said.

* I am going bloody mental, oh god why must this happen to me? Am I hallucinating this? Is it real?*  I just stood there looking at the flames.

*You are not going mental, this is real! All you have to do is get out of there or I am going to come get you Em. The flames are getting higher*

*Who are you?* I ask out of curiosity as I scan the room for a possible escape.

*Now isn't the time to ask questions baby girl.* The voice said impatiently

*Well I beg to differ*

*I'll explain everything when the time is ready. Now start moving.*

I decided to listen to the voice in my head for some reason it calmed me and made me feel safe.

*Go through the window, there'll be a firefighter with a lather.*

I walk to the window in a rush and unlock it as I open it I start thinking about my mom.

*She's safe baby girl.*

*Get out of my bloody head you dipshit.p*

The firefighter took my hand and guided me on the lather and as we made our way to the ground. To say I was confused when I reached the ground was an understatement. I had all these new questions that is unanswered, like who the fuck spoke to me? Was it really a person or was it my subconscious?

*I am real Em.*

I almost jump out of my skin when I heard the voice again.

*If you're real then tell me who you are.*

*I can't do that yet but soon baby girl.*

The firefighter took me to the ambulance to get me checked out and told me my mom was getting checked as well and they got her out the same way they got me out. Thank Jewus there was huge windows on that house.

I thought about the voice in my head and didn't see my mom come up to me. She took me of guard when she hugged me . I was totally uncomfortable with the way my mom was behaving. We never hugged or shown any emotion towards each other and it was easier that way.

"Mom..uhm, you can let me go now" I say awkwardly. She took a step back and went to the firefighter to get information on what happened. As she left I looked around at all the people outside our now destroyed house. It took me a while to scan everyone but when I came to a particular pair of blue-greenish eyes I was sat in trans mode. What is he doing here?


I awoke by the sun shining on my face. I decided to get up since I have school today and I didnt go yesterday because mom and I were buying clothes, underwear, shoes, toiletries, all the necessary basics, since our house was destroyed. They still haven't found out how it happened. Mom and I are now staying at a motel until Friday, then we can move into an apartment. I walk into the bathroom, undress and turn on the shower. I got in and just leaned my head against the shower wall. I started touching the scar on my spine that's covered by my tattoo I got after my surgery. (tattoo shown on top) The fire just brought back everything I've been running from since that night at the theatre. The night my sister and dad got murdered.

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