Chapter One

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The suns rays shone down through the smoke coming from the four towering funnels. Cora gazed up at them in awe. The sheer size and beauty of the ship amazing her. Sitting on her daddy's shoulders she could see the whole length of the Titanic. She knew it was the most beautiful and brilliant thing she had ever seen...though being only five she hadn't had the chance to see much if the world. But she knew that was all about to change. She grinned as the crowd cheered and yelled, waving frantically. Soon she would be onboard, going to America. The prospect of such a drastic change scared her but she knew it was a chance for a new life and a better one. Her daddy shook her gently to get her attention. She looked down, her thick brown curls blowing in her face.

"That's a mighty big boat eh Cora?" he teased, tickling her till she squealed.

Cora chuckled, "Daddy, it's a ship!"

He grinned and swung her round as much as was possible in the dense crowds. A call from behind caused little Cora to turn and wave. Her mummy was calling.

"All right Cora, best get you on the ship 'fore she leaves." her daddy said.

He pushed his way towards her mummy while Cora bobbed up and down on his shoulders. All the while the crowd kept cheering and yelling and as she reached the line for medical inspection, she was beyond excited. Unfortunately, the medical inspection was rough and humiliating. She found her happy attitude quickly turn sour as careless hands searched her for lice and other such problems. She was a strong and healthy child and she wanted nothing more than to turn to them and shout it in their faces but she restrained herself and chose to focus on the cheers of the crowd and the gangplank right ahead.

The minute her family was cleared she raced up the gangplank, the noise and the heat was exhilarating and her heart pounded as she turned once more to take in the throng awaiting entrance to the grand ship; before stepping through the 3rd class entrance. She held her daddy's hand as he led her through the maze of corridors. The hallways were crowded and claustrophobic but she was too thrilled to care. Eventually, a door with the right number appeared and they forced there way through the mass of people and entered there room. It was small and there was only a small gap between the bunks but it was better than anywhere Cora could remember sleeping. She jumped up and scrambled into the top bunk. She sat there and smiled, looking down at her parents as they put away what little luggage they owned. Her mummy passed her her doll and she smiled even harder. It was the prettiest thing she owned and her parents had saved for months to afford it. She loved it more than she could say and it went everywhere with her. She held it tight and then began to realise how comfy the bunk was. The green blanket over the sheets was soft and warm and the mattress was pristine and bouncy. If the ceiling had been higher she could have bounced on it. She lay back and grinned. Titanic was truly wonderful. She was the luckiest person on Earth. She was the happiest she had ever been and she couldn't believe her good luck. Just then, her daddy tapped her on the shoulder.

"Come on sweetheart, ships 'bout ta leave. Let's go up on deck!" he whispered in a secretive way.

Cora giggled, she liked it when he used that voice. Like she was the specialist person in the world. She sure felt like it.

She swung down from the bunk and dashed out into the corridor. Her mummy and daddy came scrambling after her. Shouting at her to slow down but they knew she'd be fine. They'd find her later. She was a sweet and good girl and never wandered off for long.

Panting for breath, Cora emerged up on deck and stepped back as the sunlight hit her. The ships deck was glinting with freshly polished wooden floors and a little way off to her side brand new deck chairs and blankets. She ran towards that area but a gate saying ' No 3rd class passengers beyond this point ' loomed in her way. She vaguely understood the sign as her daddy was teaching her to read as much as he knew how. She frowned. This wasn't right. Her heart sunk for a second but then the horn sounded and she snapped back into her happy refrain. She turned the other way and ran to find a space to look down to the crowd on land. She was struggling to look over properly or find a clear spot when a tall golden haired man around twenty with a kind face offered her his spot. She smiled and thanked him. She stood on her tiptoes and tried to peer over the edge butt she was still a little short. The man picked her up a little bit so she could see and she grinned even harder. She could see hundreds, maybe thousands of people below her. All of them waving and cheering. It felt like they were all waving at her and she waved and cheered back as much as she could. She couldn't believe she was standing there. It felt unreal but in a good way. A really good way.

Suddenly the horn sounded again and the ship began to slowly pull away. She kept waving until her arm gave up and then she just enjoyed the view and kept her eyes on England. After all, she wouldn't see it again for who knows how long. Maybe she would never come back. She pushed those thoughts out of her head and concentrated on the good things. And there seemed to be no shortage of those.

The man holding her spoke up, "Hey, mind if I put you down now?"

She nodded and he placed her gently on the ground. She smiled up at him.

"Thanks for holding me up to see the crowds. I'm Cora. Cora Cartmell. Who are you?"

"I'm Jack Dawson. It's a pleasure to meet you Cora."

This made her grin even harder. She liked him. He was nice.

Behind him a dark haired man of around the same age coughed meaningfully.

"Oh, sorry Cora, this is Fabrizo. My best friend from Sicily."

Cora smiled at him. Glad to be making friends.

A voice from behind her made her turn. It was her daddy calling her.

Jack leaned down, " You'd better go to your daddy Cora, we'll see you soon around the ship somewhere."

She smiled and waved goodbye before running off to her daddy, the fresh sea wind blowing in her little glowing face.

"Come on Cora, aren't ya getting a bit hungry?"

Her tummy began to churn, she took his hand and went off to the 3rd class dining hall.


The dining hall was noisy but cosy. Strangers laughed together and ate together. It felt like a community. It felt like home. Cora stared at her plate. She had never seen so much food in her life. The table was real solid wood and the chairs were comfy. There were plates, napkins, and more. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was unsure whether she should eat all the food but her tummy soon decided that for her. The warmth spread throughout her body and the meat was tender and juicy. She recounted all that had happened to her mummy and daddy but trailed off as she had stuffed so much food into her mouth it was impossible to talk. Everyone laughed but it was nice laughter and it made Cora feel happy and safe. It was only her first day onboard but she knew she loved Titanic and she wished she could live in it forever.

Cora Cartmell : 4 days aboard the ship of dreamsWhere stories live. Discover now