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I felt someone hovering over me, when I turned around, I saw him.

      I felt someone hovering over me, when I turned around, I saw him

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That's his name, but I prefer calling him, The devil.

"So, did you miss me?" He says with a wide grin on his face. Me and Rashad started dating during Freshman year, and every since then, my life took a wild turn.

Rashad has been both physically and mentally abusive towards me. If I disobeyed him or said something he didn't like, he would hit me non-stop.  My wounds and bruises heald now, but I still have a scar on my neck that won't let me forget about what he did. Before he moved away to Los Angeles, he tried to kill me...




I sat in the passenger seat as Rashad drove me to wherever the hell we're going. He wouldn't tell me the location, but I don't want to ask again because that would probably make him mad and I'm not about to take that risk.

The ride was awfully quiet, until the car started accelerating, making me hit the back of my head on my seat. The car gradually started to pick up speed as I held on to my seatbelt for dear life.

"RASHAD, BABY SLOW DOWN" I yelled as an attempt to get him to slow down.

"Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!" He said through gritted teeth. That's when I panicked, looking for a way out. Then, I realized the door was still open. I unbuckled my seatbelt real slow so he didn't catch on the what I was doing, and I slowly reached for my car door handle, and I opened the door. I tumbled head-first out of the car. I still thank god til this day, that I made it out alive.

My eyes start to get glossy just think about that night. Since then, I haven't been the same. All I know is I'll be damned if I let him manipulate me the way he did back then...

"I said, did you miss me?",  he repeated sternly. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Rashad, why are you here? I thought you moved." I answered.

"We had some unfinished business" he said. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Unfinished business?

Suddenly, he forcefully grabbed my wrist and led me down the hallway into the janitor's closet and slammed the door.

He grabbed my hair and slammed my face onto the cold wall. I whimper in pain as my cheek started to sting. His grip on my hair had became tighter as he began jabbing me, connecting his tight fists to my jaw. I let out a weak yelp as he showed no mercy. He began wrapping both his hands around my neck, squeezing it very tightly.

"You think you can get away from me? You won't get far. I'm  always watching you", he said in a deep, sinister tone.

My eyes roll in the back of my head, my consciousnes slowly slips away....


"Mmm. Damn girl", I breathed out, as Jackie started kissing my neck, leading me into the janitor's closet.

As you can see, ya boy is about to get his freak on.

My hand started trailing down to her thigh, groping it gently, enjoying the sound of her moaning in my ear. I open the closet door with my unoccupied hand, and I stood in shock at what I saw.

An unconscious Tiana was laying there in a small pile of blood with bruises up and down her neck.

Lord no.

Lord, please don't let her be dead...

"Just put her body in the trash and then we can get it on", I rolled my eyes at Jackie's ignorance. She may be fine as hell, but the things she says are just plain stupid.

"Bitch, what? My friend is laying there unconscious, and that's the type of shit you say?" My face became expressionless. I squat down getting a better look at Tiana, she had large hand prints on her neck. I carry her in my arms to the nurse's office, not minding the blood getting on my hands.

So many questions arose in my mind, but the biggest one was

Who could've done this to her?

A Thin Line Between Love and Hate //D. Swing//Where stories live. Discover now