Chapter 3

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Walls. They aren't supposed  to talk, are they? I apologize reader, in my time I have ran into a few walls and they never seem to catch me or talk in an utterly ultrasexified voice. Rude, am I right?

Let me look it up on gaggle...  I'm sorry,  is it gargle?  Ahh yes, apparently Woogle says that walls are NOT supposed to talk!

Then who on Earth caught Becca?

It seems that it just happens to be an extremely FINE member of the male specimen. Of course, to be considered fine in this world, you had to:

1) Be extraordinarily smart. [This is the most important one, dumb jocks were the worst in Becca's school and we're ultimately despised for the dumb jockiness].

2) Wear glasses and look sexy while doing it. [almost impossible but to a certain few improbable].

3) Have muscles, this rule was unchangeable in any universe.

This certain specimen had happened to be one of the few males in this educational environment who took all three characteristics to the next level.

His sunlight coloured hair flopped gently into his glasses. His musclebound arms encased her with such certainty that Becca had no control of what she said next.

"If you're gonna kiss me, I'll need to make sure that you haven't eaten garlic today."

The boy apparently had his shock nerves connected to his arms because in a short span of a few milliseconds, her angelic view had disappeared from sight and been replaced with a enlarged view of a dirty tile.

"I'm sorry,  I'm sorry! Oh,  sh^t!"

Becca was suddenly airborne as warm arms encircled her waist and pulled her gently to her feet.

Her hair had become a birds nest around her face.(The newest fashion, don't ya know?) And her clothes, nondescript and boring, had taken the unlikely grey hue akin to one of a dirty rag. Haute couture!

Becca found herself trapped in the (very nice)  arms of a mystery boy, upon looking up,  she met his heated gaze and stared with longing at those sparkling blue eyes. It was almost as if,  she could reach out and draw him into a nice, warm...


The school bell haughtily snapped Becca out of her trance and she shook herself out of Angel-dude's arms before busying herself with her fallen books.

In a matter of seconds, Becca had gathered her, now slightly bruised, property and was on her way to her Advanced Literature class when she felt a tug on her hood.

Slowly, she turned around and stared into the eyes of Angel-Dude again. He let out a part strangled, part constipated sound, before dropping his fistful of clothing and fixing his eyes on the ground.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, and looked up.

But she was already gone...


Sidling into class without being noticed is an ancient practice among teenage students. Brought down from generation to generation. Enlarged and expanded, it had become essential to know, in order to live and thrive in the harsh school community.

'Mister, that girl's trying to slip into class late!"

But, it's hard, when the door emmits certain LOUD sounds like a dying cow in labour.

Also, when you're not smart enough to be in with the Popular's.

Prior to popular belief, Paisley High School DOES have a hierarchy system, and cliques, and mystery lunch meat.

But all these things operate slightly differently.

For example; the intellectually gifted hold power over those Not-So-Smart. To fuss over your looks was scorned and wearing makeup was a taboo. However, this does not mean that beauty is squashed underneath their classic Mary-Jane's. The set of populars in this school are all gifted in one/more extraordinary way. But, despite their mockery of makeup and cackling over clothes,  beauty was something still held in high places. There were no fuss or scenes, or short skirts, or high heels. But the exact proportioning of a face, the perfect angle of a cheekbone, the exact amount of volume in their hair,  drove them into a frenzy. Natural beauty AND brains was rare and was therefore honored in THIS society. Would you like to meet our populars?

Fae Dorian. She is a girl with standards, all of which BOYS fail to meet. Now readers, don't let your minds wander too far. As far as I know, Fae is NOT a lesbian, although she has a strong support for the LGBT+ community, she is just a VERY committed feminist. Her hair is a shoulder length black that curled tightly around her angled face. It was tamed by a wrestle with a hair brush and an entire pack of Bobby pins into a pony tail at the left hand top of her head. Her face was dark, the color of caramel and went in and out in sharp lines. Fae had a purple vintage style and was rarely seen without her HUMONGOUS gold hoop earrings and bangles that loaded her arms till elbow point. Fae speaks incredibly fast with a strong BRITISH accent and walks with purpose. Her mother had divorced her father and walked off with her twin brother, while she spent most of her life with her grandparents. Fae's father died about a year ago and her mother had disappeared without a trace. Her face is usually accompanied with a (fake)  smile but her biggest compliment were her eyes.

Surrounded by tightly curled lashes, her eyes were an impossibly dark shade of green that changed the whole complex of her face.

Fae went against all natural cliche popular girl rules and happened to be ridiculously nice. In fact most of the so-called "popular girls" had a certain pleasantness to their nature.

Cliques in fact were only there because it is scientifically proven (not really) that teenagers tend to stick with those who have a common or shared interest.

Cliques therefore mingle as MOST teenagers often have more than one interest.

Statement, logic, fact.

Although it all seems to be sunshine and daisies, Becca's school still is prone to bullying and name-calling.

But then again, what school isn't?

A/N (Haha! 😁! MY school for one. We are like a TIGHT-KNIT FAMILY. NO CLIQUES, NO POPULARS, NO BULLYING!  PERFECTION! It DOES help that we're only like a 100 pupils and 9 in the WHOLE of Grade 7,8 and 9 but whatever! I don't know WHY I continued writing. It's not like anyone's ACTUALLY reading this, BUT Dahl, Rowling and Wilson had to start SOMEWHERE!)

Ciao Bella's!!
... And boys....

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