Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning with the sun beating down on my face. I looked at the calendar. May 15. Three more weeks and Makoto, Haru, and Rin are going to graduate from Iwatobi and continue their dreams. I got up and looked at the clock, 6:45. I scrambled out of bed and headed towards the living room. Haru was still asleep. Makoto was passed out on the floor. We were to be at school in an hour. I knelt down and shook Makoto awake.

"Wake up, big brother."

"What time is it, Y/N?"

"Almost 6:50. You better wake up Haru."

"I'm on it."

Within the next fifteen minutes, we were all ready to go. We left the house and met Gou and Rin at the corner. 

"Ready guys?" Gou asked.

"Yeah," said Haru.

We all walked down towards the school and when we got there, we stared at the banner they had for us. 

"That was nice of them," said Rei.

"Yeah, we're going to be the star people once we walk into school!"

"Hey guys, congrats on making it to regionals," called a familiar voice.

I turned and saw Eren. He nervously smiled and walked up to me.

"Eren, what do you want?" Makoto asked.

"Just heard you guys made it to regionals. Came here to congratulate you."

"Well you did, now make like a leaf and fly away," said Haru.

"What if I don't?"

"Then I'm sure the same person will beat your ass a second time."

Eren turned around and saw Rin standing behind him. He soon cowered as if he was a giant towering over him.

"What did I tell you last night? You should probably scram before someone picks up your remains," said Rin.

Eren ran off into the streets, not even glancing back. Rin walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "That jerk face better now show around her anymore."

"Thanks guys," I said.

"We all know about your history with Eren, why wouldn't we keep him away from you?" Makoto asked.

I blushed and we headed inside, hearing the people cheer and congratulate us. We all headed towards our separate classes. I dozed off again in Mr. Daniel's class, thinking about the next few weeks left with Rin. 

~1 week later~

"WE MADE IT TO NATIONALS!" Nagisa roared with joy. 

"I say, I thought we had some doubt there in the second half of the race. Rin, you really pulled through for us," said Rei.

Rin smiled and patted Haru on the back, "When it finally came down to you, Haru, you were like a bullet."

"Nationals is in another week, guys. Better get some practice in while we can," said Gou.

~Another week later~

"2nd place isn't that bad," said Nagisa.

"At least we made it onto the board this time," said Rei.

"Yeah, last year we made it to Regionals and managed to get sixth place," said Makoto.

"At least this last year was great guys," said Haru.

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