Devilishly Delectable

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  This story is for my friend ElviraScaff (elvirakitties on AO3) ! Happy birthday!!!! Hope you like it.  

"So uncle Sev how was your summer?" Draco asked as he took a seat at the head table. A new school year was about to start and professor Flitwick stood ready to sort the new first years.

The war had ended three years ago and Severus, acquitted thanks to Harry Potter, returned to Hogwarts to resume his post as resident Potions Master and Head of Slytherin. He had asked Minerva if she would be willing to take over the Headmaster position as he never wanted it in the first place. Draco had finished his mastery and joined the staff last year as the new Runes teacher.

Severus scowled at his godson. "My summer was like my previous summers Draco."

"So you locked yourself in your lab and didn't come out until Minerva or Poppy dragged you out." Draco smirked as he gave Poppy, who was sitting next to him and trying to hide her laughter, a wink.

"If you must know Draco I was experimenting. It is a delicate process that requires precision." Severus stated before taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"You need to get laid uncle Sev." Draco stated casually causing Severus to nearly choke on his drink.

"Draco this is not the place to say something like that!" He admonished only to be met by a smirk.

"Whatever you say uncle Sev."

The sorting went off without a hitch and once the new students were seated at their respective house table Minerva rose from her chair to address the school. There were some empty seats at the head table and Severus had been wondering just who Minerva hired to fill the positions.

"Good evening students, welcome to another year at Hogwarts. As you might have noticed we have some seats to fill. Professor Sprout has retired as of last year and filling her spot as your new Herbology teacher is mister Longbottom."

Severus raised a brow as the students clapped as Nevil entered the Great Hall. He watched him go up to the head table, give Minerva a handshake, before kissing his wife Luna Longbottom nee Lovegood on the cheek and taking a seat next to her.

"Next up is Mr. William Amorous who will be your new Transfiguration teacher." Minerva introduced as everyone clapped as a man with blond wavy hair and colorful robes walked up to the Head table. He took a seat next to Madam Pomfrey and gave her a sultry wink while baring his pearly whites.

Severus saw his godson next to him shudder. "Draco what's wrong?"

"Uncle Sev who in their right minds wears that type of yellow with pastels." Draco cringed as he didn't want to look at their new colleague.

Severus had to agree. The man looked like a pompous buffoon as he tried to impress Poppy and Madam Hooch. "I hope he isn't another Lockhart." Draco muttered but it wasn't soft enough as the man heard him.

"Lockhart?" Amorous asked as he smiled at Draco. "Do you know my cousin? It's such a shame what happened to him. He was handsome but not as devilishly good looking as I."

Draco proceeded to mumble "Oh Merlin" and he flinched as the entire hall suddenly erupted in loud cheers. Severus and Draco looked up at the commotion. They had missed the last of Minerva's introduction.

"What is Potter doing here?" Severus asked perplexed. Last he heard Mr. Potter hadn't gotten back together again with Ms. Weasley, nor had he become an Auror like many hoped, but instead opted to gain his Defense and Warding Masteries before traveling the world.

"I'm guessing he's the new DADA teacher." Draco said as he watched Potter take the seat in between Minerva and uncle Sev.

"Headmistress" Harry greeted. "Professor Snape"

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