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It had been a week since Wanna One's Bae Jinyoung had unexpectedly popped up at Jiho's school. As she hadn't heard about the random encounter from her older brother, Jinyoung had kept it a secret. Jiho couldn't have been any more thankful that he didn't do so. At least she knew to trust the same-aged boy.

Besides that small occurrence, school had been the same for her.

Jiho mostly goes through her classes in a mindless daze. Despite what her now-famous brother bragged about to his group mates, she hadn't... gotten a satisfactory grade in a while. Her grades have been gradually decreasing by the semester. She was barely holding onto Cs and Bs in classes she once could've aced before. It just doesn't help that she was unmotivated nowadays with her parents being the only source of support. And honestly, that support wasn't much in itself.

She swear she could go on and on about her inner turmoil about her own family. They all were so oblivious, all acting as if everything was okay when really, Jiho felt like she'd been cast aside while her parents focused on the successful sibling. In times like that, she really wished to rebel and do something so unbelievable that her mother and father would give her the time of day, to show that they still cared about her and her future.

But no, that's dumb. Let's not do that.

At least she wasn't failing yet.

No, she wasn't going to allow herself to be that bad, she still had her pride to withhold.

School life was just... overwhelming with her conflicting thoughts. And she doesn't want to really blame her brother for that but, she really couldn't help but do.

Weojang High, the all-girls school with the good reputation, majority of the girls Jiho had known for years. Knowing that many girls for so long, that meant they knew of Jihoon as well. When he was accepted in an entertainment company, it didn't take long for the news to spread amongst the students. Jihoon became the heartthrob at Weojang overnight. This odd obsession only escalated out of control when he participated in Produce 101.

Every single dang day, Jiho would hear her classmates swoon and gush about their favorite trainees of the popular survival show. Without surprise, nearly everyone of those conversations would always include her older brother.

"Ah, have you seen Park Jihoon during Pick Me?"

"Oh yeah, the wink!"

"I can't believe he did that!"

"Right? He's so handsome!"

Wouldn't anyone get exhausted over hearing random people talk about one's sibling so excessively?

And to make matters worse, these classmates would approach Jiho just for the sole purpose of Jihoon. Whether they wanted to congratulate her for having such a talented brother, to note how cute her brother is, how whatever. And the worst part about his whole deal?

Jiho knew that so many girls only want to befriend her for Jihoon.

It had happened so rarely before Produce 101 was a thing. She had encountered a couple girls who knew Jihoon became a trainee that wanted to become close to her. Foolishly, she welcomed them with open arms, wanting people to be comfortable with for once. However, when it came to the point when they asked if they can go visit Jihoon at his company or if they could go to her house to see more of his personal life, Jiho knew she had to drop them.

Ever since that incident, Jiho no longer had any trust in her classmates.

She knew.

Every single girl who would approach her, they only want to get to Jihoon. The butt-kissing was a bit too much and far too obvious. This only got worse now that he was an official member of Wanna One.

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