After the Park

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Hey guys! Sorry that my naming of the chapter skills are not very good.. I hope you like this new chapter! Comment if you enjoy!


"Listen, the guys are probably getting suspicious so we should head home." Jc said breaking the silence. "Ya, that's a good idea." Jc stood up and held out his hand to help me up. This time when I got up, I stumbled into his chest again, but this time I just hugged him and laughed. He grabbed my hand and we laughed all the way back to the car. It had gotten slightly dark so he asked if I wanted to just stay the night in the extra bed. I smiled and agreed. When we got home, Jc looked at me. I looked back at his flawless face in the dim car light. "They guys.. Should we.. Do you think..?" I kissed him to make him shut up and I ran out of the car and into the house. Connor was sitting on the couch on his laptop and didn't even bother to look up when I came in. "Oh. Y/N." "Nice to see you too Con." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the closest bag of pretzels. I knew this house as well as my own. An old man's voice came from behind me, "Not my goddamn pretzels!! Get your own!!" "Shut up Kian, I have claimed them as my own." I said proudly. I took them with me as I sat down on the closest couch, next to Connor. I heard the front door open and close. Wishbone came speeding from the kitchen to the front door to meet Jc. It was amazing how that dog could know who walked through the front door before you could see them. "So, where did y'all go?" Kian asked. "No where." Jc replied suspiciously. "You are a terrible lier, Justin." Connor said, very fatherly. I laughed and took a quick second to look at Jc. I took a deep breath, "We went down to the little park, you know, on Joanna St.? It was really nice actually. Very sweet of him." And with that I kissed him on the cheek and left the boys to themselves with confused looks on there faces. I walked upstairs and to Ricky. "Hey man, can I chill with you?" "What? Oh, ya, sure. Can you take Buns out of his cage? He's been lonely." Ricky asked. "Ya sure. Bunners!!!" I reached down and picked him up, he was so cute. "So, where were y'all?" "Oh just kissing in the little park on Joanna." I said matter of factly. "Cool. Wait, what?! Aw, are Jc and Y/N are a couple? That's so cute!! My new otp." Ricky said making me laugh out loud. I heard some bickering downstairs so I got up to go down there. I went back downstairs and sat on the floor of the living room and took out my phone. Scrolling through twitter I had saw Ricky had already posted something about Jc and I. He was exactly like this with Kian and Andrea at first. Fan for the relationships!

It was a Sunday night so everyone just settled into there normal nightly fazes of going in there rooms, going on the computer and scrolling on their phones. Everyone had gone to there rooms and I collapsed on the extra bed. I thought of something interesting to tweet and then I decided I would call it a night. "Can I just cuddle with someone?" Send. I was thinking of Jc but we had just gotten together so I didn't want to make anything awkward. I clicked off my phone and rolled over. After a couple of minutes I didn't get to sleep. I rolled over onto my other side and I heard some creaking floor boards. Someone going to the bathroom of course. I ignored them and closed my eyes. Soon after I felt someone behind me, I jumped slightly. "Shhhh.." The calming familiar voice whispered. He got on the bed and curled up next to me and whispered, "You said you needed to cuddle someone. Nite baby." And with that I feel asleep in Jc's arms. Where I had always wanted to be.

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