To Marry A Millionaire

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Chapter 1

It all started years ago when my mother once again married for money.  This time, though, the

billionaire had a son a few years older than me.  We quickly became friends and over time I got my

first crush...on my step-brother.

When he started to go to college, I would go to his apartment every afternoon just to see him.  Until

that one fateful day.  I walked in on Justin with another girl.  The were making out on the couch and

when I walked in, he yelled at me.

It really broke my heart to see him with another girl, but it really upset me that he yelled at me.

I never went to his apartment or saw him after that.  A year later, I graduated with high honors from

my high school.  He did not even come to my graduation.  My step-father was the only one who

showed up and he said my mother and step-brother must have been busy and forgot.

"Jessie?  Earth to Jessie."  My best friend and roommate knocked gently on my forhead.

"I'm here.  Just thinking about home.  Boy, do I sure miss my step-dad."

"Not your step-brother?"  She knew everything about me, including my crush on Justin.

"Nope.  I decided to give up on him.  Why should I sit around waiting on him?  I got better things to


"Does that mean what I think it does?"

"It's Friday and if you're thinking we should go to a party, then yes it is."

"Yay!  I got clothes you can wear."

"What's wrong with what I got on?"  I asked, looking down at my knee-long black skirt and peach

colored button up blouse.

"Honey, we're going to a party, not church."

"Fine.  Just help me."

"Hmm.  Once I'm done with you, boys will be linning up to dance with you."

"You're going to need more time than we got to pull that off."

Amy laughed, throwing her head back.  "No, we go just enough time."

 Author's Note:  Okay, hey everybody!!!!!  I'm sorry for deleting my last stories, but I didn't know where

to go with them.  I promise I shall try to finish this one. :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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