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     It was in the sixth month in the year XX36. That was when the world hung upside down. A small village near the outskirts of wiscera was the first place struck. A couple residents started feeling ill. then the next morning, they wouldn't wake up. During the night they would slip into a deep coma. A month later, the majority of the victims would die, all except one. That one woke up with extreme strength and the ability to fly. They went on a rampage wounding many, killing one. They were quickly detained, but the rumors spread just as quickly.

     It all started with an anonymous post on 5kun about a disease that turns you into a superhuman like from a comic book. An anonymous user coined the name: S virus, like something off a videogame;"s" for superhuman. And like the rumors spread, so did the disease. Most were not affected, but some contracted the disease. Of those, about 10% survived

      Of those who survived, some blended back into society pretending to be equal with everyone else; some decided to go against the law, able to easily evade the iron fist of Justice, and some fought against those who went against the law taking Justice into their own hands.

Our story follows one in the last category as they learn about what it truly means to be a hero

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