Chapter 16

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Galtolga hadn't changed much, well it hadn't changed at all really. I guess it's just been a while since I've been here, everything looked the same, but it was kind of disorientating because it felt brand new.

Maybe it was because I knew my parents were gone? My last memories here had been bad ones, and that I did not like at all. I don't want bad memories of my home, but I had enough good ones to overpower the bad.

I wished my parents were here so badly, I missed them. They died protecting me, and I will forever be grateful for their loyalty, but I can't help feeling guilty. They put their lives in front of mine, and got themselves killed in the process.

My eyes started to burn, and I had to push down my emotions, I was a knight after all, I couldn't allow myself to cry here, not where so many people respected me, looked up to me.

Although I was also curious if anybody even knew I was back. I can imagine the word spreading round like wildfire when I lost my memory and defeated Jaxson. I repressed a shiver at his name, anger coursing through me, but I forced it back.

Zach pulled me out of my thoughts as I felt his hand take a hold of mine, intertwining our fingers and giving my hand a small squeeze. I turned to him smiling, before placing a tender kiss on his cheek, assuring him I was okay.

It was rather overwhelming being back here, but with Zach by my side, I felt like I could do anything.

I took in my surroundings, memorising the place I've called home for so many years. It really was beautiful here; it was the world of souls.

Here, it always looked like the sun was setting, a mild lighting with a beautiful glow. Shades of orange, red, yellow, purple, and pink covering the sky. It was rather romantic.

The houses stood tall and almost cartoon like, each a different colour as they spread out across the land. Trees and plants never die, always standing strong as they covered the land, adding a natural beauty to the scene.

I walked with Zach, slowly taking everything in as he remained silent beside me, leaving me time with my own thoughts.

We walked slowly, my feet leading me on their own accord, and before I knew it, I was stood in front of my parent's house. This is where I used to live, this is where I was born, where I spent my childhood, this was home.

Swallowing down the lump that had formed in my throat, I stepped towards the dark wooden door. The house was a light shade of blue with mixes of greens and yellows, I love the colour of this house and I made sure my parents knew that.

I was quite the hyper kid, got excited over the stupidest things but they'd just laugh, saying they chose it for me.

I found myself smiling at the thought before I pushed on the door, locked. I didn't have a key; it was probably taken from me when I lost my memory.

"You'd have to speak to the king," Zach spoke softly, rubbing small circles on my hand with his thumb. I'd need to do so anyway, I should let him know I was back, if he didn't know already, that is.

Stepping away from the house, my eyes roamed over it once more, before turning away and walking off in a random direction. I didn't know where I was going, I just had to get away for now, the urge to cry becoming stronger.

Zach sensed it, I know he did and with one final worried glance from my love, he spoke almost hesitantly.

"Come on, there's something you have to see." His words got me curious as he led me past the buildings, almost pulling me as he walked, destination in mind.

We walked for about five minutes before we came to a beautiful, natural area.
Flowers of all different kinds; rose buds of all different colours. Small trees, tall trees plushed in green leaves, some light, some dark.

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