Chapter 4

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My legs moved me through the school hallways on autopilot, my mind elsewhere, I didn't even realise I was spacing out until I came crashing into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" They snapped, their voiced filled with anger and annoyance. Someone had a temper...

"Woah dude! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to crash into you, just had a lot on my mind recently." I shrugged, trying to calm the guy down. I didn't mean to upset him, it was just an accident, no harm done.

The guy looked at me, curiously. His eyes wracking over me before he raised an eyebrow.

I stared at him in confusion the whole time but didn't speak. The guy then shrugged, walking off with a mumbled "whatever."

I swear, everyone was trying to confuse me, lately. Maybe this was all a huge prank and sooner or later someone is going to jump out and shout surprise.

Something tells me that's not going to happen.

I made my way to my next class, English. I enjoyed English, I really did, but today I just wasn't in the mood to do anything and as a result, I am really struggling to pay attention.

I entered the classroom, not mentally present, and took my seat near the window, hoping I'd be able to get away with staring out of the window all lesson.

My eyes strayed across the classroom and locked onto Zach, his eyes already on me. They flashed silver before he quickly turned away, turning his head to face his desk.

My eyes darted around the room quickly, to see if anybody had seen the change in his eyes, but everybody was busy talking to their friends. Their chatter quickly came to an abrupt stop when the teacher walked into the classroom, taking a seat behind her desk.

"Good Morning, class," she greeted, moving to set up everything she needed for today's lesson.

A chorus of voices returned her greeting, while my eyes drifted back to the window, the sun shining high in the sky, lighting up the world with magical streaks of orange and yellow that just seemed to brighten everyone's mood.

Well everyone except me, no matter what I tried, I just couldn't seem to cheer up. My mood was set to a permanent low.

I succeeded in spacing out for almost half of the lesson, but my luck had to run out eventually. My teacher called me out and I mentally cursed, turning my attention to her and politely asking her to repeat the question.

"A poem," she simply stated.


"You have been listening haven't you, Adrian?" She dared, a threatening tone in her voice.

"Uh...of course miss." I smiled innocently.

I heard her sigh before she fully repeated the question.

"We're analysing poems that you and your class enjoy. If you would care to share your favourite or just one that you enjoy."

"Uh Fire and Ice by Robert Frost," I said, it being the first poem that popped into my head, luckily it was one I enjoyed.

"Would you like to recite it to the class."

"Not really," I mumbled.

"What?" The teacher's eyes narrowed on me, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction, ice is also great
And would suffice."

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