Untitled Part 1

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 i was sitting on my black couch at my house.I had been freaking out since me and my friend saw tickets were out for Set It Off, our favorite band.We were so excited. i get a phone call from my friend:

(f; means friend & y; means you)

F: Holy crap, did you see on there website that---

Y: You don't even need to finish that sentence, I saw it, we need to see if we can go! I've never been to a concert before little alone theirs!

F: maybe if we put our money together we could afford tickets? But we need to see how much they are, and if they can come close enough to our city.

Y: mkay call me back,and ill call you back before that if I find out first. byee.

You hang up the call and rush to the website. You click on your city, and you try registering two tickets you click to see how much it would be. But your heartbreaks, across the screen in bright blue letters with yellow highlight "SOLD OUT" a single tear falls from your eye slowly falling to your cheeks then collapsing into your lap. Maybe your friend got the very last somehow? You wait five minuets and both of you knew,neither of you got tickets you collapse into a pillow crying, you cried for about a good 40 minuets and decided you and your friend should just go out and get your mind off of it instead of mopping on your couch.

You get up from your couch and get some makeup on, you text your friend, and ask her to get out of the house with her. You both agree for her to meet at your house in 30 minuets, and then you'll make arrangements on where you will go. You finish your make up and go to your closet and pick out an outfit to wear. (picture below is what your wearing btw)

You put your outfit on and wait for your friend

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You put your outfit on and wait for your friend. You hear a knock at the door, its her. You step out and leave your apartment. You walk down town for a little bit. Then you both decide to go to the coffee shop, since it was only a couple blocks away. You both are kinda sad but trying to ignore it. When you got to the coffee shop, a man opens the door for you, you just said thank you, and didn't look up because you hated social interaction.

You and your friend walk up to the barista and order your drinks your friend getting a Vanilla Bean Frappe, and you got The Blue Drink. You both find your way to a table waiting for your orders. you see the man from behind order his drink, and something about him seemed familiar but you couldn't tell because you only saw his back, even when he went to sit down to wait for his order you never caught a glimpse of his face, you kept staring at him eager to find out. You friend noticed your staring, then you heard both your names coming from the barista,your order was ready but then she called another name, Cody.

You were shocked but still thought to yourself that it wasn't THE CODY from Set It Off. Since your friend saw your staring at this man, she said "Why don't you get the order? Maybe you can stop staring at him and instead talk to him?"she said with an evil smirk. You blush and walk up to get your drinks. Cody was also getting his drink, you accidentally pick up his and he picked up your name,he hands you yours and you hand him his, he then spoke, "Wow i must have changed my name to Y/N" he chuckled. You remembered that voice from somewhere, you looked up, to your astonishment it was Cody Fucking Carson! "hi i'm Cody" he said looking deep into your sparkling eyes, as he held out his hand. You shake his hand back and then pick up your friends drink. "hi i'm Y/N." "That's a cute name,your eyes and smile are so pretty." he started blushing," did i say that out loud" he says blushing even brighter than before. I'm now blushing as well. then i say "Your not so bad looking yourself, i really like your laugh."we both smile and giggle. i then invite him to hang out with me and my best friend.He told me he would love to,so we both sat down at me and my friends table. She was acting super cool, and we were in front of Cody Carson like OMFI. 

We were talking for what seemed like hours,just about the craziest things, my friend was now telling a story on how she lost her pet when she was staying in Hawaii. "He looked at me through the cage and little did i know that later on in that day he would be missing and-" she said. My listening was caught of by Cody putting his hand in mine. me and him were both quiet, then at the same time we looked down at our hands together, then looking back up at each other, we both blush and look back at our friend as if nothing happened. But my friend was catching on. She told me she wanted to go back to her apartment cause she felt "ill" so she walked back and left us to be alone. I knew exactly what she was doing. 

I was sitting with Cody and me and him were just talking about the weirdest things. It was really cold in the shop. I tried not to show him i was cold cause if i did it would look like, i was just doing it for attention or to get his jacket. But the cold got the best of me and i shivered. (dawm it) i thought to myself. Cody looked at me and saw i was cold. i half expected him to either ignore me or to give me his jacket, but instead, Cody looked at me and smiled yet was concerned. " you cold?" he asked me. i looked at him and said "what....... of coarse not!" then he gave me a chuckle,and said " so your shivering for the fun of it?" i laughed and he did too. Then he put his arm around my shoulder. i blush. he pulls me closer to him. I was in paradise.

Soon after we decide to get up and walk around town for a bit. His hand in mine, we went to the park then it got darker and he took me to this cliff (lol and he just throws you off, YEEET!! jk). It was getting super dark but we got to the top of this cliff and we just stood looking at the stars, and the beautiful city, moments like this I've only heard in movies and love novels. I loved Cody a lot. We were looking at the stars and then we both point out the same one. Then we look at each other. him looking me into my eyes and me looking into his, grabbed onto my hips and pulled me closer our hips bucked into each other, he holds me by the waist and i wrap my arms around his neck and we get closer and closer until, he pressed his lips against mine we come into a passionate, love, filled, kiss. after the kiss he hugs me tight and whispers in my ear , "Y/N would you be my girlfriend?" i gladly agree. He takes me to my apartment, me and him go into my bedroom (not like that ya nasty..... that's -part two-hint hint- lol) i put on my Tv and we watch netflix (ah ah ah i did not say CHILL ya little CHILIS--inside joke with my best friend)  i curl up to him putting my head on his shoulder, i then get sleepy and lay on my side he turns off the tv, takes his shirt off and lays right behind me (yes spooning lol) he puts his arm around my waist,and pulls me closer to him, kisses my neck, "Night sweetheart" he says gently. "Night babe" i say sweetly. Then we both (fucked.................. ..............jk) fell asleep, with me laying in his arms. Read below its important.


                                                                                            Mkay Bye!!!

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