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It was colder than usual tonight and there was a dark presence in the air but I ignored it. I shuddered as I snuggled closer under my blanket. The moonlight creeped through the space between the curtains and I smiled as I closed my eyes once more.

An ear piercing scream shook me awake. It was the scream of a woman, my mother. I bolted up from my spot under the sheets and went to the door to open it but I froze when I heard a loud growl come from downstairs. I stepped back slowly not knowing what that sound came from. I stared at the door to my room waiting for what was down there to come get me but it never came. I waited and waited.

I knew what had happened but I didn't want to believe it. I finally built up the courage and slowly opened the door. I took a step then another, soon I was down stairs. It was eerily quiet, the stench of metal and copper filled the air, blood.

I turned left at the bottom of the stairs and into the kitchen and what I saw next had me falling to my knees.

The once pristine kitchen was now completely covered in the crimson red color if my mother's blood. The tears found their way down my cheeks and on to the floor.

There laid my mother's lifeless body. Her green eyes that were always filled with life was glazed over by death, her  black hair was now soaked in the blood oozing from the the large bite mark around her neck. My only companion was gone, my mother was gone.

Rage and revenge filled my being as angry tears filled my eyes. What could have done this, who could have done this to  an innocent person? I slowly got off of my knees and walked over to the blood splattered phone. I dialed 911, "Hello 911 how may I be of assistance?" The dispatcher said in a mundane voice.

"Something killed my mother" I said calmly but my fingers were now folding into a fist as I stared at the grusome scene in front of me.

"What killed her?" The person asked.

"I don't know, just send someone plz" I gave them my address and hung up. I slid down the side if the wall not caring that my white night gown was now covered in blood.

10 long minutes passed and I could hear sirens, then there was a loud knock on the door. I wiped my tears and got up to open in it. Four police men walked in along with to EMTs. One came up to me as the rest searched the house, I was numb as I watched as they walked passed with my mother in a body bag.

"What's your name young lady?" The police in front me said with a beat up note pad in his chunky hands.

"Xioni West" I said wiping away another tear.

"Ok Xioni, tell me exactly what happened."

I told him what happened leaving out the growl that I heard all the while I was in tears at the memory. He tried to console me but to no avail.
"Is there anyone you can stay with" he asked after I calmed down a little. I nodded.

"My Father's parents live in Colorado." I said. I bearly knew my grandparents but the few times I saw them they seem to adore me. Maybe it's because I'm their only grand child but none the less they seem nice.

I gave them the phone number as he told me to go pack some stuff because he was bringing me to the station. I did as told and 20 minutes later I came down in some black jeans a white T-shirt and black converse. My black hair was up in a bun and my red suitcase in tow.

He took me out to his Jeep and I got in as he put my suitcase in the back.
"Your grandparents will be here in a few hours" he said as he got in. I nod as he drove off. I turned around and looked at the house I grew up in for the last time and sadness filled me.

We made it to the station and I was told to wait in the waiting area until my grandparents came and after 4 hours they finally showed up. A tall man with brown hair and blue eyes came in with a woman with orange hair and brown eyes by his side. They  both wore sad expressions as they came up to me.
"Sweetheart I'm so sorry" the woman said, grandma. She pulled me up and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back and smiled. We pulled apart and she looked me over. "The nice police man told us what happened. Im so sorry you had to go through another death so young. Only 16" she said shaking her head.

My dad had died when I was seven, apparently he was out hunting when a bear attacked him and killed him on the spot. I remember being devastated. My dad was my best friend, we did everything together until he was taken from me. I cried for days and didn't talk for months, same with my mom, but she was still there for me, comforting me through it all.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when grandpa touched my shoulder. He had my suitcase in his hand and a stoic expression on his face. I somehow felt comforted by that one touch, I smiled through my tears. "I took care of the paper work. We can leave" he said as he lead us outside to his car. We got in and he started to drive to my new home.

We made it after a few hours. Their house was huge and located on the top of a hill. It was made out of a dark brick  that gave it a mideivel look, but it was a beautiful two storey house. The inside was even more beautiful. It was modern contemporary with a grey and white design.

Grandma lead me upstairs to my room and opened the door. I was in awe at it's size almost twice the one had at home. It was painted with white and a navy blue accent back wall where a king sized bed stood.

"I hope you like it. We didn't have much time to prepare."  She said with a small smile. I hugged her and kissed her cheeks.

"It's perfect grandma, thank you so much for doing this" I said as tears began to flow again.

"Nonsense, Xioni, you're family" she smiled once more then left. I closed the door and sat in the bed covered in white cotton sheets. I took off my shoes and laid down. It was now 1 o'clock in the morning and I was tired. I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over. The last thing g on my mind being my mother.

(Authors note) Xioni is pronounced Key-oni.
Xioni West played by Megan Fox

Name: Xioni West
Age: 16
Species: Lycan (has no idea)
Rank: Alpha (soon to be)
Mother: Julienne Bishop-West
Father: Austin West
Grn-M: Marylynn Boville-West
Grn-F: Rushad West.

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