Miss Wannadie

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Can it be that what we write
Can become true over night
For a write that I've written has
Some how bared fruit
The fruit that lay rotten
Upon the trees roots
Fomenting with fly and maggots to boot
My whole world turned upside down
I'm hung from this tree and no ones around
My heart is hanging outside of my mouth
Dripping blood by the ounce upon the ground
Soon the fly and maggots will find it fair game
And they will bleed my heart dry
And I shall give thanks

i'm hurting like never before
Isn't there someone keeping score

Kalbe's p.o.v.:

She won't wake up.

She got her. 

I can help her.

It's cruel, but, it will save my love.

I will make her relive her human life, she'll remember what I did to her.

It's worth it.

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