Black Swan

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Song of the chapter:
Feet Don't Fail Me Now - Joy Crookes

The old stone path meandered through a dense thicket of ivy and ferns, leading to an imposing mansion that stood proudly behind creaky iron gates. The skeletal trees lining the path wore crowns of crimson leaves, swaying gently in the chilly spring breeze. Above the entrance gate, the name 'AGUST D' gleamed in large, gold lettering.

Jungkook sighed heavily, feeling a twinge of reluctance as he stood before the grand estate. Part of him wished he could just stay home, but he had no other choice. His friends, looking like they had stepped out of a Calvin Klein photoshoot, had already made their way inside, leaving him alone. With a hint of exasperation, he raised his hand to his face, donning a mask adorned with ornate red, black, and gold leather in a fiery design, complete with a hook nose.

Jungkook was undeniably handsome, possessing the kind of face that could halt anyone in their tracks. He was used to the sudden pause and ensuing infatuation that accompanied a glance his way. But despite the countless opportunities, he remained uninterested in pursuing romantic entanglements.

However, his fascination with the masquerade ball was a different story. The allure of mystery and decadence consumed him, and he couldn't help but let his creative ideas flourish in the crisp, enchanting air.

As he entered the mansion, the music filled the air effortlessly, wrapping around the guests like billowing waves caressing golden sand. Some immediately succumbed to the infectious rhythm, while others continued their mindless chatter. The lively tempo elevated spirits, enticing people to sway and dance to the melodic tunes.

The scene resembled a movie set, captivating and enthralling. A grand chandelier hung low from the ceiling, its twelve branches illuminating the hall in a mesmerising display. It exuded an air of opulence, as if plucked from a tale like "The Phantom of the Opera" or "Romeo & Juliet."

Jimin breathed out in awe, mirroring the sentiments of those around him. "This is amazing. Yoongi really went all out. There must be over a hundred people here."

Jin nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. But where is the grumpy little host?"

"He's probably sleeping," Taehyung replied, not entirely mistaken in his assumption.

"Wouldn't even be surprised," Namjoon scoffed, taking in the magnificent interior. Yoongi's wealth was no secret, but this level of grandeur exceeded their expectations. "Look at this place. It's like stepping into a dream."

Jungkook added his agreement, the outstanding scenery inspiring his creative imagination to run wild.

Hoseok interrupted their conversation, pointing towards the entrance. They all turned to see Yoongi descending the grand staircase, looking slightly fatigued, as if roused from a deep slumber. "Our esteemed host finally graces us with his presence."

The bannister arced gracefully, crafted with smoothness that matched the architect's vision. It stood as a testament to the mansion's luxury, far exceeding the annual salary of any of its occupants. The staircase appeared ethereal, supported by ornate wrought iron balustrades that seemed to bloom from the very steps themselves.

Min Yoongi, despite his crisply tailored suit and impeccable grooming, exuded a youthful energy. His white hair complemented his smooth ivory complexion, accentuating his icy eyes. He placed his mask somewhat haphazardly on his face, paying little attention to its alignment as the crowd dispersed upon his unexpected arrival.

"Apologies for being late," Yoongi's voice carried a hint of drowsiness as he yawned, his hand instinctively covering his mouth. "I completely forgot the party was today."

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