Seductive Lies or Hard Truths?

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Song of the chapter:
Fire - Two Feet

The night sky embraced a tranquil blackness, adorned with a symphony of stars. It beckoned both body and mind to find solace and allowed the heart to beat to a steady rhythm. The night was a gift, a respite that soothed the soul. Its darkness held the stars with tender care, allowing their brilliance to shine even brighter. It was a warm blackness, enfolding you in its embrace, revealing the innocence of your soul.

In the serenade of black, the stars sang in harmonious patterns. Sometimes, eyes craved music, and the darker the night, the sweeter the song.

Turning your head, you faced Jungkook as he walked you up the driveway, leading you to the front door of your house. He had never been here before, and his curiosity was evident as he examined the exterior, not expecting it to be so...ordinary.

Your house stood long and narrow, about twelve feet wide at the front, stretching back like a giant shoebox for approximately thirty feet. It was a perfect fit for a single person. Two stories tall, with a small yet comfortable one-story kitchen extension at the rear. A meticulously cared-for rose garden adorned the front, adding a touch of beauty.

"You didn't have to walk me all the way," you pointed out, smiling gently. His hand loosened its grip as soon as you reached the front door, as the two of you had been walking hand in hand.

"Of course I did," he beamed. "Chivalry isn't dead, you know."

"Not in your case," you chuckled. "I never expected you to be so gentlemanly."

"Only for you," he winked cheekily, causing a blush to spread across your [S/C] cheeks. "I had a wonderful time today."

"Me too," you happily replied, nodding. "Thank you for taking me out and not deciding to kill me."

Jungkook laughed heartily, his chocolate brown eyes softening. "I didn't want to. Not tonight."

"Well, that's definitely an improvement," you joked. "Why the sudden change?"

"I don't know, really," he shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe I'm starting to fall for you."

Was he?

To him, you were the sunlight that had rekindled his childhood dreams, a reincarnation of hope. He couldn't quite grasp the overwhelming emotion coursing through him, but he knew one thing for sure; he was genuinely happy.

"Would you like to come inside?" You offered, feeling it was the least you could do after the princess treatment he had bestowed upon you. You felt spoiled, excited, joyful, and content, almost overwhelmed.

Jungkook contemplated for a lingering moment, his gaze grazing over your innocent form. Tonight, you looked simply beautiful, natural and effortlessly captivating.

God, he was tempted.

You were tempting.

"I...I don't think that's a good idea," he replied, biting his lip hard. "I'm not sure I can control myself if I come inside. I might end up taking you straight to the bedroom."

"Oh..." you reflexively covered your burning cheeks with your hands, understanding his not-so-hidden implication. "You've been so nice to me these past few days, even letting me into your home. I just thought..."

"Thank you, but not tonight," he politely declined, smiling softly. "Although, I think you might have forgotten about our little deal."


"Hm?" You asked, slightly confused, raising an eyebrow.

"Let me remind you," he chuckled.

And just like that, his lips brushed against yours. It wasn't a teasing, innocent gesture. It was hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. You wanted to pull away before losing yourself completely, but you couldn't. In that electrifying moment, your senses succumbed, and coherent thoughts dissolved.

"I win, [Y/N]," he whispered into the kiss, each word and letter savoured. You smiled brightly, your heart fluttering at the sound of his melodious voice, as he cupped your face with his hands. The sound of your name had never felt so euphoric, and you leaned in for another taste.

He kissed you, and the world faded away. It was slow and tender, offering comfort words couldn't express. His hand rested beneath your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek, as your breaths melded together. Instinctively, you ran your fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between you, and you could feel the rhythmic beating of his heart against your chest.

He pulled back momentarily, his intense gaze seeping into your eyes, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. You hesitantly looked up at him, gasping in surprise at the swirl of emotions reflected in his eyes. Lust and desire.

Jungkook held you gently, one hand still cupping your face. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the tender skin at the base of your neck. You gasped in response as he delicately bit down, taking you by surprise. Your body stiffened with shock, but you couldn't deny the delight coursing through you as he showered you with gentle kisses, each one carrying its own warmth. You gazed up at him, thrilled beyond words to receive his affection. He took a small step back, studying your face for a lingering moment.

Jungkook's loving gaze softened, brimming with tenderness and something deeper, something pure. He smiled, leaning forward ever so slightly, surprising you with a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Goodnight," he whispered gently. "Sweet dreams."

"I—" you hesitated, clearing your throat and smiling. "Goodnight to you too, Jungkook."

"It is now."

• • •

Entering your house, you swiftly closed the door behind you. Pressing your back against it, you took deep breaths, trying to regain control over your overwhelming emotions. Your heart pounded rapidly within your chest, threatening to break free.

Tonight had caught you completely off guard. Despite spending hours in Jungkook's company, watching him talk, laugh, and frown, you never imagined how warm and intoxicating his lips would feel against yours.

A gentle warmth radiated from the spot where his lips had touched your neck, and you placed a delicate finger over the mark, feeling the electric tingle spreading through your body.

There would surely be a faint purple bruise by tomorrow.

You let out a hesitant sigh, flopping onto your bed and gazing up at the ceiling. Something felt off. Not necessarily in a negative way, but it was a strange sensation that made you wonder if you should feel even the slightest hint of guilt for allowing yourself to be so vulnerable tonight. Yet, there was no guilt. Instead, you relished in the experience, and that, in itself, felt peculiar.

Without a second thought, you had invited Jungkook into your home, fully aware of the person he was, aware of what he could have done. You knew how he could have seduced you, leading you straight to the bedroom.

And you would have let him.

Closing your eyes, memories of the evening flooded your mind. Every moment replayed vividly, and before you knew it, you found yourself squealing like a high school girl who had just received her first kiss. But it wasn't your first kiss. Not exactly. You tenderly touched your lips, savouring the memory of Jungkook's touch. A wide grin stretched across your face, almost hurting your cheeks, as you curled up into a ball and squealed once more.

And then, reality hit.

Jungkook was a killer.

And you were his stalker.

Was he truly beginning to develop feelings for you?

Or was all of this merely an act?

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