Was It Worth The Cost?

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         Max Pov.

        I feel Jess trash in her sleep, and cry out. I move towards her instinctively, about to help her. When I look, someone is already there! It's too dark to see, but the figure has long hair. I look over to where Shubbs was sleeping, but she is still in bed! I light a fire in my palm, expecting a hostile. What I see is the persona of Jess's light powers, Prism, I think. The whole tent is awake at the sudden light, and Prism looks annoyed. "What are you doing here?!" I exclaim. Jess thrashes again, and Prism leans down to whisper in her ear.

     "It's okay, it's all okay. They are never going to do that." She turns back to us. "Helping Jess." She looks back at Jess, completely ignoring us.

      "That isn't an answer! That only gives more questions!" Red argues. 

      "Shh! You'll wake her." She gives us a stern look. "She is having a nightmare, I'm helping her." 

       "Agains, nots answers. I's don'ts thinks Jetz has nightmares anysmores." Barney states cautiously.

        "Well this night is an exception. It's her-" She cries out in pain, lurching suddenly. "This stupid curse! Why include that?!" She mutters under her breath.

        "What curse?" Jin asks.

        "The one that the Former Seven put on me!" She spat. "It won't allow me to tell you what she's planning, or that tomorrow is her-" She doubles over, clutching her stomach. "Screw it! I need someone to catch me, because I may faint from pain. This is gonna hurt." What is she doing?! "She doesn't know what tomorrow is, because she has lost track of her b-"She clenches in pain, and Shubbs has the quickest reaction time. She dives under, catching Prism. "Tomorrow is her birthday!" Prism screeches. I jolt with surprise, tomorrow is her birthday?! What am I going to do?! "And the Formers don't care!" She yells, obviously in pain, on the verge of passing out. "They'll make her do the task, don't let them! Don't be their pawn, don't hurt her!" She goes limp in Shelby's arms, and seems to fade. After a moment, she's gone. What does she mean?! We'd never hurt her! What task?! And most importantly, what are we going to do for her birthday?! I would give her the world if I could! 

       "What just happened?!" Asks Shubbs. 

       "I have no idea! The only thing that made sense was that her birthday is tomorrow! We need to get her something!" Adam exclaims. Everyone nods enthusiastically. Jin is about to say something, but a whimper from Jess interrupts him. Adam, Jin, and I all rush to her. I hear her murmur something, but I only catch the end.

       "...I tried to help you, don't do this." Her voice is laced with pain, I can only imagine what she's seeing. "You're right, I deserve this. When I'm gone, try to forgive me." What is she talking about?! "Just take care of them. You'll do good, especially with her by your side." I think she might have a fever or something, she's making no sense! I check her forehead, but it seems to be  normal. I hear a thud, and look to see her necklace hit the ground. Has she always had that? It seems to be made for her; Its deep hues highlighting her features. I turn it over in my hand, and whisper assurance to Jess.

       "It'll be fine. Whatever you're seeing isn't real." She trembles once, but seems to have stopped. It hurts to see her like this. I turn to the others, internally panicking. "We need to do something special. Prism said she doesn't know what tomorrow is, so we can easily do this without her knowing." Shelby seems horrified, but I don't know why.

       "Did you guys not listen at all?! It's not just that she doesn't know tomorrow is the day, it's that she doesn't even know her birthday! She must have forgotten, it's horrible!" Shubbs exclaims. Jess always is kicked when she's down, but this is insane! She's been through so much, won't life just give her a chance? If I could just fix that, I'd give my life. She stirs, and everyone tries to look natural. I try to look as if I was just organizing our shelves. 

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