The Few Days With Them...

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  Sly Pov. Age 20

  A year without Jess, and we're already fighting amongst ourselves. I tried to find her, after Katz replaced my arm with a mechanical one. I saw her get dragged away by her hair! I couldn't help her, even after she saved my life! I was left leader in her absence. We didn't find the rest of the gems, and we stored ours in her vault. I was in Asgard, roaming the halls. Steven, and I both loved her, maybe Katz too! We never got the chance to tell her. I stumbled across the rooms, the white halls forming a complex web. I find myself looking at a picture we took together. Castor was late, so we took it without him.

  After this picture, Aph started to write so many Slyla stories

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  After this picture, Aph started to write so many Slyla stories. She didn't know how much that hurt me. I loved her, but she wanted me to love Kala! I got her to stop by giving her a stern talk about using me in fanfics.

"Author here! Sly you are not aloud to lie in these!" The author objects, whilst breaking the fourth wall. 

 "Fine..." I trail off, putting the wall back together.

   The way I got her to stop, was by holding her on my shoulders, not letting her go until I got her to promise to stop! You happy, Author?! Kala got revenge by making a Slymau story! To be honest I enjoyed reading it. Anyways, this picture brought back old times. I've decided to put the memory in a crystal, to see if there was anything I missed. I had the crystal already, and I was waiting for the rest of the Few. I head to the Bifrost bridge to see Jose leaning on the railing. I think I see the rest in the distance, and I wait a moment. Kala was running to catch up with Castor, and Pbat, who were headed to the bridge. Steven, Katz, and Alex were arguing before landing. As soon as they were all there I ask,

 "How do I get he crystal to use the right memory?" Katz replies, 

  "Be specific. Very specific." I looked down at the crystal in my hand.

"Show our memories of Jessie, after we hid behind a rock to get away from Loki, after the hall was built." I hoped it was enough. The crystal started to show a memory!

"Sly!" I hear our Jessie, our beautiful Jessie's voice! I see both of us behind a rock. I see myself try to impress her by saving the both of us!

"Jessie if you get caught, those guards will easily overpower you. Their outfits redirect lightning." Jess peeks out, seeing a two guards with Loki in full battle armor. I stepped out before she could stop me. I managed to get both the guards down, but I got hit with a Loki's staff, right in my power source on my chest. My suit all fell off! The guards were getting up! I groaned in pain. But Loki just laughed,

"This is a rather big weakness to keep on the suit." I made a grab for my helmet, but Loki stepped on my fingers! "Oh, you haven't told me where my favorite niece is!" I spat blood on his face, and he wipes it off disgustedly. "Any last words?" I wasn't going to talk so he pulled out a blade. "Ta-ta pain in my side." Jessie shouted,

"Sly!" At that moment lightning hit Loki making him miss! But I knew he didn't miss completely,  he chopped my arm off! I passed out from shock. Jess started to run, but the guards soon caught up! She was dragged back by the hair, and forced to kneel at Loki's feet! "Oh little niece, nice of you to drop in. Take her back to your village." He nods to the guards. "Now I'm going to leave him here, to remember the time you didn't save your friend. If he lives, good for him!" Jess was crying and she whispered,

"It's my fault! Oh, by Odin!" "Freya save him!" I knew her well enough to say, that she probably beat herself up over this! The image shifts, before the crystal says in a female voice,

  "New user detected, switching memories. User, Steven." We glance at him quizzically. He shrugs,

"Probably a picture, or something." I look back at the crystal. It was dark, and Steven was in suit.

"Oh I remember this! I was hunting an assassin! She was behind at least one-thousand political murders! She said a few weird things to me." Steven exclaims. I looked back down, curious to why this showed up. There was a girl in front of Steven, they were too dark to see. Then Steven glanced down at his ring. He looked back up, and she was gone! It was too late for him! The girl dropped on his shoulders, and said,

  "You were sloppy! I knew you were there since I started walking! You always were crappy at sneaking." Steven groans confused.

  "How do you know me?!" 

"Not important. What is important is that you don't follow me. I am told to kill anyone who sees me, but I don't want to hurt you. Walk away, or I will knock you out." The girl moves her hand behind his head, but Steven tries to turn around and hit her off. "Your decision." She hits him, and he crumples. She shook her head and chuckled,

  "You were always too quick to start a fight." She suddenly takes a more serious tone, "Did he survive?! Did Sly live?!" She starts frantically shaking Steven who was unable to answer, because she had knocked him out. I slowly put two, and two together. Realization dawned on everyone's face. Jessie was a criminal?! She killed people?! The crystal starts speaking again while we panic, and simultaneously being so happy, we found Jessie! 

  "Another user detected, IKatuKatz."

  The crystal fades once again. Leaving the stormy night, and bringing us into a town. It was a lovely place, where Katz was shopping. He had a hood on to avoid making a commotion. The hood was useless in the end. A little girl bumped into him, knocking his cloak off! The populace started to ask for autographs. One blonde haired blue eyed woman asked him to kiss her! Katz politely declined. I laughed at his blush. But I growled a bit when he said,

  "I only have eyes for one girl!" But then his cheerful face fell, "She's gone now..." He definitely likes Jess! I looked up, and saw he was blushing. The girl wasn't giving up though, she said,

  "If she's gone then kiss me!" Katz looked angry as a gawken! 

  "No!" He walked away, leaving her furious. He seems to get lost while heading to the gates. Katz walks into a clearing with a girl in a cloak, hitting straw dummies with a throwing axe. "Umm.. miss?" Katz taps her shoulder. "Which way are the gat-" He stopped suddenly when she turned around. "Jess!?" He exclaims. Aph backs up slowly. 

  "I.. umm.. Hi Katz?" She says nervously. 

  "What happened?! Why are you here?! Why haven't you come back?!" Katz was flooding her with questions.

"I can't answer any of those! Listen, if the mayor finds out you know me, he'll kill you. I need to erase your memory." Katz looked like his dog died! He asked one thing,

"If you're going to do that, can I do one thing before?" She nods. He leans in and kisses her! I was fuming! Her eyes widened, but she didn't push him away! After Katz gets his large dosage of heaven he stutters,

"I-I'm so s-sorry, I just.. always wanted to do that." They were both blushing profusely! She grasps for words,

 "I umm... I... I.. Memory wipe!" A bright light fills the area. Katz looks dazed, and he passes out. When he wakes up, all we see is a retreating figure, Jess... The crystal turns back to blue. 

  Steven, and I whirl on Katz. 

"Do you know where that was?!" But what I really wanted to ask is, why'd he kiss her?! He mumbles something, I lean in to hear him.

  "I did that! I actually did that?! Why did she have to wipe my memory?!" But he gathers himself enough to respond, "Y-Yes I do!" He leads us to a small village. Since the Author is too lazy to write this in, we found out the mayor had died from arson. A girl burnt his house down. We also found a hut that looked like it was used for torture! A boy explained that it was used for a thief that stole from them. We went back to the Hall she loved so much, we had no leads except the name, Echo.

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