Chapter: Fifteen

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Izz went downstairs and put the dogs on their leashes, and locked the door behind her, she then walked across the street to see a big moving truck in the driveway. She walked over and a girl turned around. She saw Izz walking toward her and saw the adorable huskies.

"Hi I'm Izz Graceffa".  Izz said as she held our her hand.

"Hi I'm Brooklyn".  Brooklyn said as she shook Izz's hand.

"So are you just now moving to LA"? Izz asked.

"Yeah, I'm moving from New York".  Brooklyn said.

"Do you know who I am, or who Joey and Daniel are"? Izz asked.

"No, actually, who are they"? Brooklyn asked

"Well Joey is a Youtuber, and Daniel is a model for Vogue, and they are both my parents".  Izz explained.

"Oh, yeah you see I don't watch youtube, I listen to music more than anything".  She explained.

"Well I was wondering if me and you could be friends, we can go swimming at my house for a little bit if you want"? Izz suggested.

"You know what, I don't have friends and I think that me and you would make a great team, so yes I will be your friend, just let me get my things, and I let my mom know that I'm going over to your house".  Brooklyn said.

Brooklyn soon came back and meanwhile she was gone Izz got on her phone to ask Joey and Daniel if she could come over, they said yes.  

They walked over to Izz's house and she gave Brooklyn a tour of the house, and then went to go change it her swimsuit.

Brooklyn's Swimsuit:

Brooklyn's Swimsuit:

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Izz's Swimsuit:

Meanwhile at Hope's House, Joey and Daniel were having some time together with Hope, Shane, Ryland, and they even announced that they were getting married soon

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Meanwhile at Hope's House, Joey and Daniel were having some time together with Hope, Shane, Ryland, and they even announced that they were getting married soon. Everyone was so happy. Now all they needed to do is tell their parent's.

It was getting close to Five o'clock and Joey and Daniel decided to head home.

Brooklyn went home about an hour ago, and we had so much fun. She had to go for dinner, and we exchanged phone numbers, she said she would text Izz soon.

Twenty Minutes Later
Izz decided to make a vegan pizza for dinner, and soon enough Joey and Daniel were home.  She ran up to them and hugged them.

"I missed you guys".  Izz said.

"We missed you too, and we have some news".  Daniel said.

"Okay well I'm all ears, and by the way I making vegan pizza for dinner".  Izz said as they all went into the kitchen.

"Well we decided to have the wedding in Hawaii"! Joey and Daniel said together.

"REALLY"?!?! Izz said with excitement.

"Yes, we're excited too, we leave in two weeks".   Daniel said.

"So how did it go with Brooklyn"? Joey asked.

"Great,  I have her phone number so we can text, and the cool thing is she didn't have any idea who you guys were, like in a good way, she doesn't watch youtube, but I did learn that she listens to Troye Sivan, Michael Jackson, Prince, Taylor Swift, and some others".  Izz said excitedly.

"That's great".  Joey said.

"Yeah, I'm glad I made a friend within the year and a half I've been here".  Izz said.

They decided to watch Drag Race, and eat some pizza. But after a while Izz went up to her room and fell asleep watching Kendall Rae, one of her favorite youtuber's.

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