The connection

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It felt like I had been waiting in line for hours for the ferris wheel when me and my little sister finally got to the front with a few other people. The line was so pact that the worker asked me and my little sister if it was okay to split us up. "That's fine", I replied to the middle aged man.  Besides I was only riding this for my little sister, and as long as she was riding the ferris wheel she was happy. Our mom passed away two months ago so I brought my sister to the carnival in town since we haven't done much since she died. My sister was put with another little girl and an older woman. I was put with a tall boy my age or maybe one year older. He had bright blue eyes and brownish blonde hair. He wore clothes from the expensive stores in the mall and he practically looked like a model. He was perfect. He opened the gate to the cart of the ferris wheel and I climbed in. He climbed in after me and shut the gate behind him. "Scared of height's?" He asked. "No not really", i replied with a small smile. "Good because this thing goes pretty high", He said looking to the side as the ride began. His eyes glimmered in the sun and his hair reveled natural blonde highlights. "Are you from around here", I asked. "No actually i'm from a few towns over, how about you?" He asked. "Yeah if live here, a few minuets away actually", I answered. When the ferris wheel reaches the top they stop it for a couple of seconds, and when they did the cart jolted and we both jerked forward a little bit. Our faces were only inches apart. We looked right into each others eyes. His eyes were even bluer up close. We stayed like this for about five seconds until the ferris wheel started again and we both backed up back into our seats. We were both quiet for a few seconds after. I felt something in my stomach, almost like a flutter. And I know he felt something to because he kept his head down for a few seconds. "I hate when they do that", he said breaking the silence as he looked back up. " I guess it wasn't too bad this time though" , he added.  "Yeah I guess not". I replied. Right before the ride ended he grabbed a receipt that had been in his back pocket from a food stand, he also took out a pen and wrote numbers down on the back of it. "This town seems to get pretty boring other then these little carnivals. So if you ever get bored and want to see my side of town just give me call" , he said  smiling and slipping me the receipt. Then he opened the gate and let me out. "I never got your name", he said as we stood outside of the cart we were in. Katie", i said. " Brandon", he replied. We shook hands but a lot longer then i had ever shaken anybody's hand. We stood there looking at each other again and I thought in my head I hoped this moment would never end. "Katie!", my little sister yelled. "Katie Katie, did you like the ride?", she said jumping up and down beside us. "Goodbye Brandon", i said with a smile. "I'm looking forward to seeing you around sometime Katie", he said as we both walked away.

After that me and my sister stayed for about another hour riding rides she liked. Deep down i hoped we would run into Brandon again but we didn't see him again at all that day. When we got home, my dad was in the kitchen cooking dinner. "How was the carnival girls"?, My dad asked as i put my keys on the table. "Same as last year", i replied. "What about you Riley? Did you like it?" He asked my little sister. " Yeah it was really fun daddy, but now I'm really hungry and tired", she answered in a slight whine. "Well dinner is almost done so why don't you get a plate for you and your sister and get ready to eat", dad replied. "Actually dad I'm really tired so I'm just gonna go up to my room, but Riley grab you and daddy a plate okay?" I said to them. "But its summer, why don't you watch a movie and gossip with your friends? Or do whatever teenagers your age do now a days", My dad said encouraging. "Goodnight dad, night Riley" , i said chuckling as I walked up the stairs to bedroom.

When I got into my room I plugged my phone into the charger near my bed. Then I took of my jeans and blouse and changed into sweatpants and a t shirt. When i was done getting ready for bed all i could think about was that ferris wheel ride and how perfect Brandon was. I wanted to see him again. He did give me his number but i didn't want to message him so soon then he would think i was crazy or something. I didn't know what to do, all I did know was that I wanted to see him again but I didn't know how. I laid in bed all night replaying the events in my head just as i remembered them until i finally fell asleep.

"Katie, Wake up, Katie" Riley yelled in my ear while shaking me. "Riley its only 8:00, what do you want", I replied annoyed. "Daddy said he has something to talk to us about before he goes to work and he wanted me to wake you up", she answered. "Okay i will be down in a minute", I said grabbing my phone off of my headstand. I had no idea what my dad wanted to talk about usually he is off to work by 6:00 and i never see him in the morning other then when i have school. I Looked in my bathroom mirror, wiped my eyes and then headed downstairs. "Hey Kay", my dad said as we drinking a cup of coffee. "Hey dad, what did you need to talk about?", i asked confused. "Well girls i just wanted you to know that I have meant this woman and we have hung out a few times and eventually i would like for you guys to meet her too", my dad said. All I could think off was mom. How could he move on so quickly? Did he love her? I had so many questions and I just couldn't believe that my father could move on so quickly after is his wife died only two months ago. "Whats her name daddy?", Riley asked intrigued. "Her name is Merissa", He said to Riley and then quickly looked at me. "I'm gonna go upstairs and shower dad, i will see you later", I said walking away. He knows I was mad and that I needed time to think about this.

When I got upstairs i plugged in my curling iron and shuffled through my closet looking for something to wear. I found a pair of ripped Hollister jeans and a loose T. Then I grabbed my white converse and put them on. I actually didn't know what I was getting ready for because i didn't have any plan today. I guess i was trying to keep my mind off of the information I had just recently been told. Maybe take Riley out for ice cream, or go shopping for some new school clothes. I didn't know what i was going to do but I was defiantly going to keep my mind off of what my dad had told me.

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