Meeting again

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After a few hours of just sitting around all day I got a call from my best friend Molly. "Hey Kat!", Molly said in excitement. "Hey", i replied. "So, what are you doing today? And tonight?", She asked. "Unfortunately nothing". "Well now you are! Tonight one of the football players from school are throwing an end of the summer party", She said. "I don't know Molly, My dad gets home in a half hour and I don't know if he's gonna let me go", I said uninterested. "Come on Kat, it will be so much fun! When your dad gets back I will come over and we can get ready together". "Okay fine, but I'm not staying at this party for long", I replied.

When Molly got here My dad and Riley were watching TV. "Hey Mr. Kroft", Molly said when she walked into the door. "Hey M, Kay's upstairs", My dad replied. "So what are you gonna wear?", molly asked. "I have no idea" I said while looking into my closet. Molly pulled out a tight dull Red dress form her bag. "What do you think about this?", Molly asked. "Its pretty, put it on", I said. After a few minutes i decided on a short black dress that was slit up a little on one side. "Wow! Kat you look hot!", Molly said after I put the dress on . "I don't know, are you sure its not too much?". "Katie, your wearing it now do your hair and makeup", Molly said demanding with a chuckle. After an hour we both were pretty much finished with our hair and makeup. I put my hair half up half down and curled it. Molly straighted her hair, like normal. When we came down the stairs Dad and Riley  were playing a bored game and talking, probably about Merissa. "Girls don't do anything stupid and you better be home at twelve a clock sharp", My dad said. I'm actually surprised that my dad let me stay out that late. Although I was going into 11th grade. "Understood, Mr Kroft", Molly answered. I just gave a half smile and walked out the door. I was still mad at my dad and I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I do want him to be happy, just not this soon.

It took about twenty minuets to drive to the football players mansion. "You know i heard that there are going to be kids from several different schools here", Molly said as we both got out of the car. When we walked in there were tons of people standing in groups with solo cups in there hands and laughing. Me and Molly went to the kitchen to get a drink. Me molly and a few others talked for a little bit and then I went upstairs to the bathroom. There was a pretty long line so I decided to just wait until I got home. When I turned around I bumped into someone who had been coming up the stairs. "Oh sorry" I said as i continued walking. "Katie?", the person I bumped into had said as if they knew me. I turned around curious wondering who it was. The voice did sound familiar. When I turned around there he was. The boy that I rode the ferris wheel with. "Brandon, hey I didn't realise it was you", I said surprised. "I didn't know you would be here", he said back. "I didn't think you would be here either". "Yeah well all the football players usually come to this party at the end of summer so I just figured I would come", he replied. "Your a football player, that makes sense", I said smiling. "whats that supposed to mean?", he asked. "Nothing you just seem like the football type", I said. "And whats that type like?". "You know, strong, handsome, player type", I said. Then he moved a little closer and we both looked each other in the eye. "I'm not a player Katie, but i will take the other things", he said smiling while looking at me. "Follow me I know where another bathroom Is", He added. "No really its okay, I'm leaving soon anyways", I replied. "Come on, we keep running into each other its only fair that we talk for a while", he said gesturing me to walk with him. We walked around the huge upstairs where there wasn't anybody and just talked about stupid things . He turned around when it was silent and he faced me for a moment. "You look really pretty tonight Katie", he said when he turned around. My heart started beating and my face started to get hot. I put my head down and when I looked back up his blue eyes were looking right into mine again. "Thank you" , I whispered. Then we both seemed to be getting even closer to each other. He leaned in and kissed me. And I kissed him back. That flutter that I had on the ferris wheel came back. After, he grabbed my hand. "Come on I'll take you home", He whispered. When we got out to his pick up truck he opened my door and then went over to his and got in.

We were pretty much silent the whole way home. When he stopped the vehicle outside of my house he leaned over the council. "Look Katie, I'm sorry for kissing you back there, I shouldn't ha....", He said while  I cut him off. "Brandon Its okay, it Wasn't just you", I said then i put my hand on his and opened the door of his truck and got out. When I got into the house I  took off my heels and quietly tip toed up the stairs careful not to wake Riley or my dad up. Once again I laid in bed thinking about Brandon. Thinking about that kiss, and how I liked it. The only problem was , I had no idea who he was. The only thing I knew was that he went to a different school then me, he played on the football team, and that he was a good kisser. I really didn't know anything about him. I didn't know what school he went to, I didn't know his family, and I really didn't know what he was like. I did catch on to a few things when we talked, like how he is a good listener and how he is into sports but that wasn't much. I fell asleep again wondering if tonight was the last time I would see him, or if we would somehow run into each other again, Deep down I hoped we would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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