Ch 1:Concert

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Y/N P.O.V: I can't wait to meet BTS i have always wanted to go their concert but i never go because the tickets are expensive. But this time i saved all my money to go to the concert. This is going to be the outfit i'm going to wear ( picture above). My friend Elva is also a BTS fan also because i got her into it and her favorite bias is Jimin because she loves his smile and personality.

 My friend Elva is also a BTS fan also because i got her into it and her favorite bias is Jimin because she loves his smile and personality

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  Elva is going to wear ( picture below). Elva has been talking about BTS a lot now and me too. We both like the same stuff  i told her i payed for her ticket because it was my treat to take her. I also got front row tickets so we have a better view( oh did i mention that my bias is jungkook  well now you know, now back to the story) I can't wait. 

   Elva and I were both finished getting dressed  so we both met up in my car

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   Elva and I were both finished getting dressed  so we both met up in my car.

   (skip car ride)

Elva and I arrived to the concert and went to the front row seats  we were waiting for BTS to come out (5 minutes later) When BTS came out we were all screaming.  Jungkook and Jimin came to face us they both winked at me and Elva. Jungkook was holding out his hand so he can hold my hand Jimin was doing the same also but with Elva. ( one hour later) the concert was over but me and Elva had V.I.P to meet BTS  in person but we were not the only people with  V.I.P it was a long line and we were the last one in line. When everyone's turn was over we were the last  ones to meet  BTS. We talked for awhile but something caught my attention Jungkook was staring at me up & down  also the weird thing was Jimin was staring at Elva also up & down. We didn't care though after we were done talking, all the members wanted our PHONE NUMBER OMG. We said sure i gave my number to all the members " Y/N:  my number is **********" and Elva told her's also to them. 

 R= Rap monster    J= Jin    Y/N: You 

R: Would you guys like to have lunch & dinner with us?

J: Oh that's sounds nice, good idea Rap monster.

Y/N: Sure we would like to come, where do you want us to meet you.

R: I will text you where to meet us, well we have to go now see you tomorrow 

Y/N:  Okay see you tomorrow bye.

Y/N P.O.V ) OMG ELVA I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE GOING TO MEET UP WITH BTS. Elva: I KNOW RIGHT, now lets go home and gets some rest. Y/N: OK

( Skip car ride)  

When we to the apartment Elva said thank you and hugged me and then she went inside her house. Then I went inside my house put on pj's and fell asleep.



Hi guys this is my first story and my name is Melanie if you have any questions just ask in the comments. I hope you guys like the story.  Part 2 will be up next week.


A fan dating a BTS memberWhere stories live. Discover now