Ch 4. Dance Practice

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(Y/N P.OV)

  Today I am going to see Jungkook because yesterday he asked me if I wanted to see him and the members practice at their studio so I said yes. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I took a shower I blow dried my hair and did a messy bun with my make-up and clothes ( picture above).  I asked Elva if she wanted to go but she was too busy with her work so I just went by myself.  It took me 10 minutes to go to their dance studio and when i got out car i was greeted by J-Hope. We both said and hugged and went inside the company and went inside the dance studio. I greeted the members and then i saw jungkook and said hi to him. Jungkook wanted to talk to me alone so we went outside and talked about something important.

J= Jungkook Y/N= You

J: Y/N we need to tell the members that we are dating

y/n: Of course we have to tell them they are your hyung's

J: I know they are but the problem is that i have to keep a secret from our manager because they can't let us date anyone, so we can tell the members but we can't tell the manager. okay?

y/n: okay we'll lets go tell the members the good news then.

After me and jungkook were done talking we told the members that we are dating and they were relief. After we told the news they started to dance DNA ( video below).

When they were finished with practice i was surprised how they dance and your watching them in person.  Rap-monster wanted to order food for all of us to eat so the food will take 15 minutes while waiting for the food  we started to talk about or future plans Jin wanted to be an actor, RM wanted to be a better rapper, Yoongi wanted to be a music producer, J-Hope wanted to be Hip-Hop dancer, Jimin wanted to become a cop, V wanted to become a fashion designer, and Jungkook wanted to become a photographer and i also wanted to become a photographer because we both love to take pictures of the outside.  While we were still talking the food finally came and ate. 

( 20 minutes later )

We were done with our food and i needed to go home but i didn't take my car i went on taxi so jungkook wanted to take me home and i was fine with that. After 10 minutes in the car we finally arrived at my apartment. Jungkook walked me to my door while i was unlocking the door jungkook started to whisper in my ear and saying how he loved me so much and how he wanted to make love to me and can't wait to start a family i turned around and said maybe next week we can start your details. When i was done talking i leaned in to kiss his soft lips and of course he responded later in the kiss it went to a make out session he licked my bottom lip and he started to explore my mouth with his tongue while he was  doing that  i let out a small moan i felt him smirk in the kiss after the make out session i told him next week we can start the details he said okay while he was smiling then i went inside my apartment and i went inside my bedroom to change into my pg's.


OMG guys i am so so so sorry that i haven't posted for a long time anyways if u want to follow me on instagram my info is below.

Instagram: melanie_bts_

snapchat: mvalladarez70 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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