In Your Dreams, Alpha

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Chapter 1: Elena's POV

"She was like, oh my God this is my song I've been listenin' to the radio all night long, sittin' round waitin' for it to come on and here it is..." I sung at the top of my lungs. I grabbed my Starbucks coffee and just as I was about to take a sip, I totally missed my mouth making it spill all down the front of my black hoodie. Perfect I thought, just what I need. Taking a few napkins out of the console I pat myself down until I'm satisfied with the results. Good thing my hoodie is black or I'd have a major fit. Just as I was about to turn the corner of Fallen Rd, my left front tire hit a pothole spilling the remaining contents of my coffee on my dark skinny jeans. Ughhhh! I yell exasperated, perfect just perfect. I swear my luck sucks. As the song ended I pulled into the school parking lot which reminded me of another reason as to why I hate Mondays, or school for that matter. I swear, Mondays set you up for failure for the rest of the week. I wanna know who came up with such a stupid idea, I'd love to personally give them a piece of my mind. I parked in the back in an empty space by the football field and jumped out. At my locker I put my bag in and took my binder out. As I was about to shut it, someone slammed it shut for me, almost taking my head off. I spun around, about to give whoever just did that a piece of my mind when I realized it was Ariel. She's been my best friend since 3rd grade. She is utterly beautiful with long strawberry blonde hair, that falls right above her butt in perfect curls I know she just did not but 10 minutes ago. She has a perfectly angled face with high cheek bones and an olive complexion. She is skinny, but no too skinny with all the right curves, boobs and a butt...what more could a girl want? My anger quickly dissolved as I looked into her forest green eyes. "Haha gotcha" she said. "You are so lucky, I was bout ready to rip someone's head off!" I said. "Well we wouldn't want that now would we, cranky?" she smirks. "Whatever" I told her as I started towards my first class of the day, English. "Why do you reek of coffee?" She asks, her face scrunched up in disgust." I.Do.Not.Want.To.Talk.About.It." I said my voice full of anger. As soon as it leaves my mouth I feel kinda guilty for talking to her like that, it's not her fault my life sucks. But before I can apologize she rolls her eyes clearly getting the point and says "Aight, the bells gonna ring in two minutes and I have drama, which is in the opposite direction" she frowns. "I'll see you at lunch, and try and fix that attitude of yours before I see you again!" She yells over her shoulder as she dodges groups of people. "I do what I want" I grumble under my breath, this is gonna be one hell of a long day.

Hey guys!!! So this is my first time even attempting to write a book so I hope you guys like it!! Please tell me what you think and if you have any ideas please share, I'd love to hear them!! Also this chapter is dedicated to SavannaGeorgia123. She was the first one to read it and helped me make this chapter perfect. She's an amazing writer and I'm so appreciative that she took the time to help a girl out. I'm gonna update as soon as possible, but please be patient(: Thanks guys!

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