This is basically a ton of short comics put together to tell the story of two princes.
The cover is temporary and is drawn by Aura-aura.
The art is mainly going to be traditional art since that is what we are good at! Enjoy!
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Wren: It suck I had to return that horse.. But on the bright side, these woods border the Kurian Kingdom
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Wren: But we must keep alert. There are creatures like elves, nymphs, some gnomes, and a lot a fairies in these woods. Many of which either like mischief, or really hate humans
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Zen: Uh.. You mean kinda like.. That?
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Wren: Yeah. That. Um, run?
Zen: Yeah. Run.
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Le swoosh~ Le swoosh~ Le swooooosh~
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Zen: Le swoosh? That ruined the mood. Where did it come from? Wren: From behind you
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???: I'm just clearing the area
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Wren: Is that a leafblower? Why did it go le swoosh?
(Aura: sorry for updating this twice if you've already read it, My part got deleted, so I had to add it back in Hope you enjoy it so far!)